Page 68 of Rough
I frowned. “Your place? Why? We’re already at my place.”
Felix’s eyes flickered flirtatiously. “I know… I just figured that you could use some time away from here for a little while.”
“How much time?” I arched a cynical eyebrow.
“Not that much,” Felix reassured. “Maybe just overnight? Perhaps a change of scenery will do you some good. You have so much negative energy festering here. You need a change of pace.”
I wanted to tell him that he didn’t have the right to tell me what I did and didn’t need, but I held my tongue because I didn’t want to argue with him and honestly, his offer sounded incredibly relaxing.
“You’re right,” I smiled. “I could use some time away, but just overnight.”
“Sounds like a deal to me,” Felix said, nodding with a pleased smile. “I can help you lock up.”
I kissed his cheek. “I don’t know what I would do without you.”
Felix’s eyes flared with satisfaction. “The feeling is mutual.”
When we arrived at Felix’s house later, he catered to my every need. “Just get in bed and relax. I’ll bring you a glass of wine to help you unwind.”
“Thanks,” I said. “I really appreciate what you’re doing.”
“I’m not doing anything.” Felix shrugged humbly.
“You’re making me feel better, and that counts for something.”
His eyes sparkled at my compliment. “I am?”
I chuckled, climbing into his bed. “Of course.”
He poured us each a glass of wine and set the bottle down on the nightstand next to him.
I patted the empty space on the mattress next to me. “Come, lie next to me.”
Felix delightfully obliged and rolled the sheet up to his waist, tossing some on me as well.
“Warm and cozy,” he said with a smile.
I chuckled. “My mom used to say, ‘Snug as a bug in a rug.’”
Felix cast me a look of amusement. “That might just be the most adorable sentence I’ve ever heard.”
I shrugged. “I am pretty cute.”
Felix leaned in to kiss me. I instantly felt a surge of warmth and exhilaration where his lips pressed against mine. He made me forget all my problems. I was drunk on Felix, not the alcohol. I was drunk on his lust, feeding off of his energy.
He crossed his legs and sighed as we reluctantly broke away from each other. The tingling sensation of his lips still lingered like fire on my mouth.
It was almost as if I could feel his disapproval about the club situation, but I was relieved, and surprised for that matter, when he didn’t bring it up.
I didn’t want to talk about it. Wasn’t that the reason he’d asked me to come to his house to spend the night in the first place? So that we wouldn’t be reminded of the turmoil going on around us?
I needed a distraction. I was grateful that Felix didn’t bring up the issues with the club. I rested my hand gently on his thigh and gave him my sincerest smile. “The wine is delicious.”
“I ordered it from a vineyard in Michigan,” he said with an ironic chuckle. “It was anybody’s guess if it would turn out to be tasty, but I’m pleasantly surprised.”
I swallowed more wine and felt a rush of warmth seeping through my veins. I wanted to make a toast, but I didn’t know what to toast to, especially because the outlook of my life seemed so grim. At least I had Felix by my side to keep me company.