Page 77 of Rough
“What are you doing?” Felix looked worried.
“I’m going to call Nelson,” I informed.
He cocked his head and shot me a cynical glance. “Right… now?”
“Yes.” I was determined to get this uncomfortable conversation out of the way.
“But… it’s the middle of the night,” Felix countered.
I looked at him as I dialed the number and pressed the phone to my ear. “That doesn’t matter. He’s probably watching from around the corner.”
“True.” Felix scowled.
Nelson answered on the first ring. He didn’t sound like he had been sleeping. I wasn’t surprised. In fact, he sounded like he was expecting me to call him.
I skipped the small talk and cut straight to the formalities. “I’m ready to negotiate terms,” I said. I didn’t mention the fire. I had a sneaking suspicion that he was the direct cause, but I didn’t want to give him the satisfaction.
“Is that so?” Nelson sounded irritatingly smug.
I glanced at Felix who gave me a coaxing nod. If anything, Felix was going to help me keep my pride in check, at least until I cut a deal with Nelson.
“Your offer from before was too low. If you can raise it back up to what it was originally, I’ll agree.”
There was nothing else I could do. It was looking more and more like the club was going to be a total loss anyway because of the fire. I could work with Harry on investigating it further, but until then, I needed to keep Nelson right where I could see him. I had to make it seem like he was winning, but I would still be trying to prove his guilt from behind the scenes.
“I suppose that can be arranged,” Nelson said. “I’ll have my assistant email over the paperwork for you.”
“Fine,” I said.
“I’ll be in touch,” Nelson chimed pleasantly.
I hung up on him before he had a chance to screw me over any further than he already had.
Felix looped his arms around my waist. “You made the right choice, even if it doesn’t feel that way right now.”
I kept my eyes locked on him. I couldn’t bear to look at my club in its charred condition. I sighed with resignation. “I really hope you’re right.”
“Let’s go home, to my house, and celebrate the fact that we’re still alive,” Felix said as he took my hand.
“I couldn’t think of a better plan myself,” I said and gave him a smile.
I was mentally drained, but Felix was there to sweep me off my feet and save the day like he always did.
Once we were safely at my house, I managed to soothe Garret somewhat. It was difficult because I too still had a lot of lingering adrenaline pumping through my veins. Neither one of us felt like going back to sleep. We would pay for it later, but we wanted to celebrate together over the fact that we were still alive.
We began to slowly and passionately strip off each other’s clothes in my bedroom, with the door locked. Garret was paranoid the whole ride to my place, and even once we were tucked away in the seclusion of my apartment with all the shades drawn, he still behaved as if someone were following him.
“No one is watching you,” I assured him. “It’s over. You already told Nelson you would agree to his terms and his negotiations. The contract is probably being drafted as we speak. Relax,” I encouraged in a comforting tone.
I lightly brushed my fingers through his hair. His eyes fluttered closed and he sighed with contentment. His body relaxed and he allowed himself to soften to my tender touch.
His breath was hot on my cheek. He peppered my neck and collar bone with kisses that made me feel like I was melting with ecstasy on the inside.
“Does that feel good?” he whispered in a sexy purr into my ear before nibbling on it.