Page 9 of Rough
“Are you willing to entrust yourself to me, tonight, wholeheartedly?”
I didn’t pause for long, not wanting to show any fear. “Sure.” My heart pounded nervously.
“Sure?” Garret grinned. “You don’t sound very certain—”
“I’m sure,” I interjected quickly, nodding fervently and holding my gaze with his.
“Follow me.” Garret picked up his drink and I did the same.
I welcomed the coldness of the sleek glass in my fist. The alcohol helped warm me all over and cooled me down at the same time, slowing my senses in a wonderful way.
I felt like my entire body was a furnace set on the highest setting.
I slowly followed Garret with heavy legs and a guarded heart.
Keep an open mind, I tried to convince myself, albeit somewhat doubtfully.
I took a deep breath. Garret would feed off my vulnerability if I allowed it to surface too soon. I couldn’t give him an inkling that I was intimidated.
Garret led me down a narrow hallway off to the side of the dance floor to a private room. As we entered the room, I relaxed when it looked like any normal VIP room you’d see in a regular club. There was a black leather couch on the wall opposite the door and a table sat in the middle with a desk tucked into a corner.
“What are we doing in here?” My eyes locked with Garret’s.
He smiled and reached into one of the drawers of the desk. He plucked out a black blindfold.
“Wear this.” he extended his hand and offered it to me.
I scoffed, chuckling anxiously. “No way.”
“I wasn’t asking.” Garret gave me a scolding expression.
I swallowed hard and stared at him. “You… can’t be serious. I’m not wearing that blindfold.”
Garret’s expression softened somewhat. “You can trust me. You promised to do so, remember?”
“Yes, I remember that,” I stated. “However, I only agreed to trust you, not to wear a blindfold,” I countered.
Garret took a calculated step toward me. He was still partially smiling, but there was a darker shadow playing on his features now.
“This is what I’m offering.” He twirled the blindfold around on his finger.
“I don’t follow…” I trailed off, giving him an apprehensive glance. My cheeks felt flushed, as if my skin was burning, hot to the touch.
Garret’s smile twisted handsomely. “You can either accept your place as a sub tonight, or,” he paused for effect, “you can walk away, no strings attached.”
I contemplated. The way he described the offer made it sound like if I refused, I would never get another chance to change my mind. It was either now or never, as if the opportunity would expire should I deny it.
Garret laid it all out on the line, and my head was swimming in response. I had a massive decision to make here.
I didn’t like being told I had to do something. I wished he would imply it in a way that wasn’t so brazen, but here we were. I boldly looked into his eyes and I felt a current of electricity awaken my senses. There was no doubt the chemistry between us was fiery in all the right ways.
If I walked out, I may have lost my shot with Garret forever, but if I accepted, my pride would fade away like the sunset.
“Well, what is your decision?” Garret gave me a confrontational look, but his lips curled deviously and adorably at the edges.
I inhaled sharply and gazed at the ceiling before setting my eyes back on him.
“I’ll do it,” I said.