Page 7 of Salacious Desires
“I left my husband almost six months ago. I have been kept extremely sheltered throughout my life. More than you could probably imagine, so I don’t know how to do basic things like use the internet, which is why I didn’t research this place. I mean, I know what the internet is, but I don’t know how to use it. I can barely use my phone without needing help from my best friend.
“But I can do this job. Serving is the one thing I can do right because it was all that was expected of me in my old life. I’m a hard worker, and I mean it when I say I’ll work any shift. Also, I take medication that is really expensive out-of-pocket, and having health insurance would help immensely.”
What the fuck?
My heart squeezes. It’s painful, but I can’t imagine it’s even a fraction of Lily’s pain. She said it rather lightly, but the haunted look in her eyes tells me there’s nothing light about her past. And I want to know every single detail of it, which is quite disturbing. Especially since I’ve never cared about the past of any other woman I’ve ever met.
“Sorry. That was a lot, wasn’t it?”
My fingers tingle with the urge to reach out and drag her into my arms.
“No, Lily. It wasn’t a lot. Thank you for telling me. Can you start tomorrow evening?”
Her eyes light up, and she bobs her head quickly. “Yes. Of course. Um, can you tell me what kind of dress to wear? I’m, uh, I’m not very good at knowing what sexy means.”
The fuck she doesn’t. It doesn’t matter that she’s covered from the neck down. She’s still sexy as hell. Her full breasts fill out her top, and the wide curve of her hips is so fucking grabbable.
“Something you’re comfortable in and makes you feel sexy.” I motion her forward. “Let me show you the rest of the club, and then I’ll have you fill out the new-hire paperwork with Marny.”
Lily graces me with a soft smile before we start up the stairs to the second floor. As soon as we turn the corner and pass through another door, the entire playroom comes into view. I glance back to take in her expression, but she’s a mask of calm as she looks around. Her only tell is the pink hue creeping over her cheeks. Does she know what half this stuff might be used for?
“This floor is for second-tier members. First-floor membership is one hundred dollars a year, which allows them access to the club downstairs only . The second tier is a monthly fee. It’s five hundred a month. Members have free access to the first and second floors. On this floor, people can be as clothed or unclothed as they want, and sex is permitted anywhere up here. There are also private rooms for people to use on a first come, first served basis. You’ll primarily be serving downstairs, but there will be times you’ll need to deliver drinks up here. Will that be an issue?”
Her chin is tipped down, and shit, that pleases me. She might have been sheltered and have no idea about anything kinky, but I have a feeling she’s submissive down to her bones.
“No. It’s not an issue,” she replies softly.
She doesn’t meet my gaze, and I want to command her to look at me, but it’s not my place. She’s not mine. If she were, she’d never be afraid to look me in the eye.
I move on toward the next flight of stairs. “We have club monitors on every floor whenever we’re open. The universal safeword for the club is red. If a submissive or even a Dominant calls out that word, a club monitor will approach the scene to provide assistance. Before you leave, I’ll give you some information about BDSM to take home. You don’t need to know everything about it, but it will be helpful if you’re at least familiar with some of the terms.”
“Okay. Thank you.”
As soon as I motion for her to go before me on the stairs, I regret it because her round ass sways right in front of my face. Shit. How beautiful would she look draped over a piece of furniture while I turn her ass and thighs a delicious shade of pink? My cock presses against my slacks at the thought. I really need to get laid.
“The third floor is for our most elite members. The fee is five thousand a month. We have a limit on how many people we allow. Right now, we have twenty-three tier-three members. You’ll want to memorize their names and faces as quickly as possible. They tip well. We also have a waiting list of a dozen more people who would like a spot. We don’t allow just anyone to be in this tier. Most of these members are friends or people we know and trust in the community.”
She blinks several times like she can’t believe it.
I should be used to that reaction. Most employees have the same one when we give them a tour. I wouldn’t even blink an eye at that amount. Sometimes, I wonder if I’m completely out of touch with the rest of the world.
“It comes with a suite of their own that we furnish to their liking. They have unlimited access to the third floor at any time. They can enter it when we’re closed through a side door. They can invite any guests they wish up here with them.”
She looks like a deer in the headlights. I feel bad for overwhelming her, but if she’s going to work here, she needs to know all of this.
As much as I don’t want to, I should probably introduce her to Easton. He’s going to be smug as hell, and I’m going to want to punch him in the face.
“I’ll introduce you to my brother, Easton.”
Lily follows me into our office and stops to do a double-take when her gaze lands on Easton.
“Right, I probably should have mentioned we’re identical twins. Easton, this is Lily Campbell.”
A ghost of a smile reaches her lips. Easton stands and reaches his hand out for her.