Page 102 of Trust Me
“You’ve been hurting your whole life, trying to make them happy. How is that fair to you? And it shouldn’t, but it was probably a huge shock for him. Maybe he needs some time to cool down, that’s all,” I opt for some positivity because we’re in dire need of it.
She folds her lips together, thinking my words over. After a few minutes, she speaks up.
“I doubt it, but we’ll see,” she sniffles. “It hurts knowing they can’t accept it, but I’m done living for them. I want to focus on the life we’re building together instead.”
I hate the words I’m about to say, but I know I’d hate myself more if I never offered her this.
“If you need some time apart to think about if this is something you really want, I’ll give it to you. I can get a hotel room to stay in.”
Jasmine shakes her head profusely. “Absolutely not. I appreciate you asking. I get the intention, but no. You and our future are the only things in my life that I’m certain about.”
I smile at that, pressing my lips chastely against hers.
“On a positive note, no more hiding,” I tell her, rubbing my nose against hers.
“You’re right.” Her eyes brighten, lessening the ache in my chest that’s been there since she started crying.
“I usually am.” I wink, causing her to giggle.
And then she kisses me, and in it, I can feel her love for me. I kiss her back just as lovingly.
Our lips continue to move as I walk us through our apartment, to our bed, where we quickly strip out of our clothes. I slide into her with ease, forgoing foreplay because our need is heightened right now. We could’ve lost it all today, but we’re choosing to weather the storm together.
I’m not rough with her, my thrusts slow and deep as I make love to her, not for the first time, but it feels different. Like she’s finally mine, and I can scream it to the world.
Thank fucking God.
Chapter 40
A light buzzing from the side table has me stirring awake. I slide out from Elio’s arms around me and swipe my phone from the table.
It’s 12:23 a.m., and my mother’s name is staring me in the eye.
She must have finished her shift at the hospital and is finally calling me after the disaster that was today. As much as I don’t want to have this talk, I know there’s no use in avoiding it.
I quickly rise from the bed, pulling my robe on from the chaise at the end of the bed as I answer the call. “Hi,” I say quietly into the phone as I make my way to the living room to avoid waking Elio.
“Jasmine,” my mother breathes, her tone not easy to decipher.
“How was work?” I yawn while curling up on the couch as the girls hop up to join me.
“I work at a hospital, so the answer is always busy.” She chuckles. The sound throws me off. I was expecting her to chastise me instantly, and it has me on edge that she has yet to do that.
“I’m sorry for waking you, dear, but after the day you had, I wanted to talk,” my mother adds, her tone blank, not giving me an indication as to how she feels about it.
“Yeah, it was interesting.”
My mother scoffs. “Your damn father. I swear I’m going to punch him later and see how he likes it.”
Wait. What?
“You’re…you’re okay with it?” I ask in disbelief.
She takes a deep breath. “Jasmine, look. I know I’ve been hard on you, but that’s only because I care about you more than anything else. I want what’s best for you, and if it’s Elio, so be it. If that man makes you happy, provides you with security, emotionally and physically, that’s all I could ask for.”