Page 14 of Trust Me
He turns his body to face mine. “I’m excited for the season, although it sucks that it’s the second one without you. The team misses you.”
“It was fun while it lasted, but I was going to retire soon anyways,” I remind him because I’ve told him this already. “You guys are looking good according to the stats and predictions.”
We talk about hockey for the next few minutes, and I’m not at all bothered that I can’t play anymore. I could choose to sulk for the rest of my life about the fact that a cheap hit from another player ended my career earlier than I wanted, but I chose to accept it and move on.
“So what’s new with you?” Brooks asks, ordering another whiskey neat while I ask the waiter for another gin and tonic.
I know he’s not asking about school or coaching because he knows about that already. No, the nosy fucker wants to know about my romantic life.
“I still haven’t slept with anyone since my ACL tear two years ago, if that’s what you’re getting at,” I mutter, taking a sip of my drink.
It’s not like the offers haven’t been there. I don’t like to randomly hook up as much as I used to. When I was a rookie in the league, it was thrilling. That’s kind of how I earned the playboy image the media loved to talk about.
Since the tear, I told myself I was done with that shit. I wanted to rebrand myself completely, and that means no more hooking up unless I’m romantically involved with someone.
I’m twenty-nine, for fuck’s sake. It’s probably time I settle down soon and all that.
“Yikes,” he huffs. “I couldn’t imagine going that long. My hand would be exhausted.”
I brush him off. “How does it feel that you’ll become a husband soon?”
He’s marrying his little sister’s best friend, Stephanie. They grew up together, having gotten ‘married’ at ten years old. Their love never waned over the years, and they’ve only had eyes for each other ever since.
Brooks smiles at me, missing tooth and all. “I can’t fucking wait to marry her,” he says, beaming. “Did you find a date yet?”
“No, I told you I don’t need a plus-one. Give it to someone else,” I counter, hating that Jasmine popped up in my mind when he asked if I had found a date.
He eyes me, then shakes his head. “Nope, Stephanie insists that we keep it open, just in case some lady happens to capture your attention.”
I glance at my watch, seeing that it’s September 10. “We have a little more than three months until the wedding. Don’t hold your breath on me finding someone I can tolerate enough to fly to Bora Bora with and then spend the entire weekend with them on top of that. It’s not likely.”
“Yeah, I can’t imagine why someone would want to spend time with you when you talk like that.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?” I ask, finishing off my second drink.
Brooks chuckles. “Nothing bad, but sometimes, you talk like you’re better than everyone. Like no one could ever be good enough to be on your level or some shit. I get you’re super smart and rich as fuck, but you might have to reevaluate your standards.”
I jerk my head slightly. “Really? You think I should give that same advice to your future child?”
Brooks glares at me at the mention of his non-existent child. “This is different. I’m just saying, loosen up a bit, will you? You never know who you’ll find when you do.”
I want to tell him that I’m already loosening up a tad for a certain someone, but I leave that out. Because if anything, I need to tighten up and lock the fucking key anywhere she’s concerned.
Chapter 6
“Wow, this place looks elegant,” my mother comments as we pull into the parking lot of my new home for the year.
The leaves on the trees surrounding the property are slowly beginning to turn a mix of orange and red as we enter September, the chill in the air reminding us that fall is here.
“Yeah, Camille’s parents are well-off,” I lie. Truthfully, I don’t know anything about her family. She keeps her personal life personal.
“And she’s letting you stay here for free?” she scoffs in disbelief.
“No, Mother, I’m paying her rent, like any other roommate would.”
“Good, that’s only fair,” she replies, getting out of the car along with my father.