Page 32 of Not You Again
“I’m not—I can’t believe you think—”
Patrick spins Kendra out. “My dude does not skip leg day.”
I cover my mouth to hold in laughter. Andie stands there, mouth hanging open. She glances around the room, realizing all eyes—and cameras—are on her. The salsa music still pulses in the background. To Cassidy she asks, “Do you have an opinion about his thighs too?”
Steve pipes up. “Kit’s got salsa thighs.”
When she glares at me, I shrug. “You started it.”
“I started nothing.”
“Just admit you like my thighs, sweet potato.”
She shakes her head.
“I said nice things about you.”
“You called me a maglight.”
“You called yourself a maglight.”
“Fine.” She curls her hands into fists at her side, then looks around the room again. Very quietly, she says, “I like your thighs.”
Cassidy can’t fight the smile on her face. “Andie, the mic didn’t pick that up. Can you say it louder?”
Andie mutters something indecent under her breath. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. Then she looks me square in the eyes and yells above the music, “Kit Watson has thighs that should be illegal, okay?!”
Everyone in the studio cheers, including the crew. I take a bow.
Andie rolls her eyes. “Screw all of you. I need a drink.”
After our dance class, cameras are waiting on the restaurant patio overlooking the water. Kendra and Patrick are already at the table, touching and clearly enamored with each other. Kit takes a seat, and I take the chair next to him as directed by the producers. Our distance stands out in stark contrast to the display in front of us.
All of us have loosened up from physical activity. It’s most noticeable on Kit, who’s rolled his sleeves up to his elbows and let his hair run wild. I catch myself smiling at him when he isn’t looking. Quickly, I look at the table instead, shaking my head. It must be the magical atmosphere the show created here on the beach.
Leslie and Jamie join us, the strain between them palpable. Despite the awkwardness, we get by on small talk about the weather and how beautiful the view is until cocktails grace our table.
“I heard a rumor that you two already knew each other,” Kendra says as she sips on her fruity drink.
I suppose I should have seen that coming. Unwilling to answer, I sip on my cocktail too.
Kit clearly has no such qualms. He leans forward, resting his forearms on the tabletop. “That’s true. We dated in college.”
“No way.” Jamie leans forward in his seat, eyes wide with delight. “Was it serious?”
“Jamie”—Leslie shakes his head—“you can’t just ask people questions like that.”
Jamie appears chastened, slouching in his seat.
“It’s okay,” Kit says, waving it off. “We dated for a couple of months.”
“Four.” I reach for a chip from the communal bowl. “It was four months.”
Kit nods, a sparkle in his eyes. “That’s right.”
“Did you love each other then?” Kendra asks as she snuggles into Patrick, a wistful smile on her face.