Page 71 of Not You Again
“This wasn’t supposed to happen.”
I move to bury my face in my hands again, and Heidi grips my forearms, shaking her head. “Nope, you’ll ruin your makeup.”
I heave a sigh, slouching forward. “I’m so tired.”
“Take the night off.” Heidi shrugs. “Crystal can handle any dress emergencies, and everyone’s too tipsy to notice a bead loose anyway.”
“No.” I shake my head. “I mean, I’m tired of this show and trying to protect myself from whatever the hell is happening with Kit.”
“So let him in.” Heidi says it like it’s the easiest thing in the world. “He’s told you he cares about you; you care about him. Why not just see where it goes?”
“I—” I plan to list all the reasons I can’t do this. Kit will leave, just like the last time. Only this time, I know it will be because he decided it’s too much work to be with me. I’m too afraid, too distant. But if I give in, I know I’ll crave him like the air in my lungs. I wasn’t kidding when I told him it would be so easy to get lost in him.
Heidi pats my elbow, just like she does when she’s done giving a bride a pep talk. “If you both have feelings for each other, and you’re both clearly ready to jump each other’s bones, just do it. Forget about what comes next for a second. You have a man who is obsessed with you—as he damn well should be—and you want to be with him. So do that. Be with him.”
I deadpan, “Are you giving me permission to sleep with my husband?”
Heidi rolls her eyes. “I’m saying … you’ve been operating in survival mode for too long. Maybe it’s time to enjoy what you worked so hard for.”
I’m surprised when Andie returns from the restroom, slipping her hand into mine as she whispers, “Let’s get out of here.”
Steve and Cassidy barely keep up on the way to the parking lot.
I’m flabbergasted when Andie tells me to drive us to her loft, and utterly blown away when she kisses me against my SUV, only pulling away when the production van screeches into the parking lot.
She pulls me toward the building, ignoring Cassidy’s pleas for us to slow down. We’re breathless when they catch us at the door to her loft. Andie tugs her microphone cord out of her dress, flashing Cassidy a smile. “Sorry, no cameras unless Optimax has an after dark channel.”
“Can we at least get a shot of you closing the door?”
My whole body buzzes with what I know is on the other side of that door. My mic makes a satisfying pop when I pull it free from my collar. “Do it fast.” I hand the mic pack to Cassidy. “If I don’t get her alone in thirty seconds, we’ll all regret it.”
Andie laughs, adding her mic pack to mine in Cassidy’s arms. She unlocks the door and pushes it open.
I wrap my arm around her waist, stepping closer. My body is completely blocking hers from view at this point. I look over my shoulder to tell Steve, “Here’s your shot in three … two … one.”
Andie trips over her long skirts as we tumble through the door. She loses her balance with a squeal, and I try to catch her, but it’s too late. Gravity yanks us down toward the floor. I land on top of her with a grunt, then kick the door closed behind us.
“Okay, well, good night!” Steve yells through the door. I snort out a laugh, burying my face in Andie’s neck while we wait for their footsteps to retreat.
I breathe her in, groaning. One dance and one kiss have made me a madman, desperate for more of her. She giggles underneath me, like we’re young and free and happy again. Like nothing bad ever happened between us, and I can’t help but press my lips to her skin. I let loose another low groan at the taste of her skin.
She sighs under my kiss, whispering, “Dress. Off. Please.”
I’m too happy to help. I find the zipper at the back of her dress, undoing the hook at the top. But in my haste, I jam the zipper only a couple of inches down her back. A swear escapes me, and Andie laughs.
“I helped you put this thing on, how hard can it be to get it off?” I tug at the zipper one more time, hoping it will let loose.
“Get off,” she says with a smile.
Reluctantly I let her out from under me. With a deep breath, I shake my suit jacket off and untie my tie, my eyes on the sway of her hips as she kicks off her heels and walks farther into her studio. We didn’t bother with any lights when we came in, but the loft is bathed in moonlight pouring in the wall of windows, Atlanta’s city lights twinkling against the night sky.
Andie glances over her shoulder, lashes lowered, lips open ever so slightly. Silhouetted by moonlight, she’s the sexiest thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. The madman inside me roars. I get up and prowl after her. She smiles, scurrying away from me.
I pick up my pace, and her fumbling steps tangling in her skirts are no match for my long strides. She’s in my arms in seconds. I crush her to me so I can feel the rise and fall of her breasts through her bodice. Breathing heavily, she reaches blindly behind her, knocking over a cup of beads that clatter to the ground, sparkling in the moonlight. My lips are on her neck again when her fingers curl around a large pair of fabric shears.
I lift my head to kiss the corner of her mouth where I’ve already smeared her lipstick. “You’re not going to murder me, are you?”