Page 96 of The Unraveling
“Seriously?” he asks.
“Seriously.” Suddenly, I’m no longer a drowned rat, a crazy woman. I’m a woman who knows exactly what she needs to do, finally. And it feels good.
He beckons to the door, pushes a button, and it buzzes. “I’m sure he’s still in his office. Go on back.”
I stride down the hall to find Detective Green staring at a case file. Rebecca’s name is there, handwritten in black ink. It’s that case file.
“I’m going to tell you something,” I say without preamble. I drop back into the chair and look at him straight-on. “Rebecca Jordan confessed to me that she killed the Wright family.”
Knock. Knock. Knock.
I grab the hockey stick that leans next to the front door. It’s an improvement over the kitchen knife I kept nearby until a couple of days ago. Though I still hold my breath as I push up onto my toes and check the peephole, so I can pretend I’m not home if need be.
My eyelashes flutter against the tiny round window, blinking at the unexpected visitor, and I blow out lungsful of air as I twist all of the locks and open the door.
“Detective Green? It’s good to see you.”
He eyes the door, zoning in on all the gleaming locks, and frowns. “Hello, Dr. McCall. Could I come in for a few minutes?”
“Of course.” I step aside.
Detective Green enters, and his eyes fall to the hockey stick I forgot I’m still holding in my hand.
“Oh.” I set it next to the door and smack my hands against each other. “I was just organizing some stuff.”
He offers a pacifying nod. “How are you holding up, Dr. McCall?”
“I’m okay. Well, I’d be better if I wasn’t terrified to leave my apartment, if I’m being honest.” I force a haphazard smile and motion toward the kitchen. “How about some tea? I was just about to make myself a cup, so the water’s already hot.”
“That would be great. Thanks.”
Detective Green follows me into the kitchen. We both stay silent while I take a second mug down from the cupboard and steep two tea bags.
He shakes his head. “Just some sugar, if you have it. My wife says I like a little tea in my morning sugar.”
I smile and reach for the sugar bowl. It hasn’t been used much since Connor. “My husband was the same way.”
Settling into the seat across from Detective Green, I take a deep breath. “So, how’s the investigation going?”
“Very well, actually. That’s what I came to talk to you about. Rebecca Jordan has been arrested.”
The statement hits like a needle scratching to a halt on a record. It feels like the wind has been knocked out of me. “When?”
“Last night.” He nods. “She was arraigned this morning. The judge denied bail. Ms. Jordan is no longer a threat to you, Dr. McCall.”
My heart races. “Are you sure?”
He smiles. “I was in the courtroom and watched the officers escort her out in handcuffs. She’s not going anywhere for a long time. She confessed last night, on video, to two murders—Ellen and Rose Wright.”
I cover my mouth. Relief floods through me, but it’s mixed with something else—sadness, I think? Another life destroyed in this mess.
Detective Green wraps his hands around the mug in front of him. “Ms. Jordan also provided details of all the times she’s followed you, said it had been going on a long time, ever since you walked out of some coffee shop in the fall of last year.”
Oh my God. The woman with the long blond hair and an armful of books! I knew Rebecca always looked vaguely familiar. I’d just never been able to place her face. But now it’s clear as day. She’d been behind me, staring at me, the afternoon I first spotted Gabriel and followed him. I’d chalked it up to being in her way. I’d been so frazzled that day. That was months before I’d known she existed. It’s terrifying to think how unaware I was for so long. How vulnerable.