Page 11 of Challenging Luke
Oh, Ash. Ever the romantic of their group. Now that her best friend had found the man of her dreams, she wanted everyone else to as well.
FASHIONISTA: For her to do that she would actually have to speak to someone other than clients. We both know that’s not happening these days. Not while Daddy Dearest is breathing down her neck.
And then there was Trista. The realist and blunt friend who spoke the truth no matter how harsh it was. She loved that about Trista. It balanced Ash out so well.
MONICA: Speaking of. I just left a meeting in which I was reminded of the importance of focusing on work right now. So even if I wanted to spend time with a man . . .
She didn’t bother to finish. They had this same conversation every few months.
BFF: GAH! I’m going to come up there and give my father a piece of my mind. You need a life outside of work. This isn’t healthy and I won’t stand for it.
FASHIONISTA: I second that. A woman needs more than a vibrator and dildo in their life. When was the last time you had some real dick?
She wanted to say recently but then her friends would only hound her more. So instead, she tried to fend them off.
MONICA: It hasn’t been as long as you think. I’m so close to having everything I ever wanted. I just need to keep my eye on the prize. Even if that means giving up some really good dick.
She realized her mistake the second she hit send.
BFF: So something did happen in Rome? You would’ve told us if there was someone before, and since we spoke on your way to the airport, that means that good dick was recently.
FASHIONISTA: Spill!!!! We want the tea.
Open mouth, insert foot. Stress. It was the only excuse for her slipping up like that. Now she would have to give them something because neither friend would shut up until she did.
MONICA: Fine! Yes, I took some time for myself in Rome. Unintentionally. I met someone great but it can’t go anywhere. My life is too complicated right now and Daddy Dearest is right. I need to focus.
Memories of her night with Luke tried to surface but she quickly pushed them down. They would need to stay buried, except for those late lonely nights with her vibrator.
BFF: I refuse to let you push a good thing away because my father is pressuring you. I think an intervention is in order to deal with this so-called complicated life.
MONICA: An intervention is not needed.
FASHIONISTA: Too late. I’m getting Falcon to fly us out and you can tell us all about this complication you seem to think stops you from seeing a great guy.
MONICA: I’m sure Falcon can’t just drop everything so he can fly you out to see me.
FASHIONISTA: Sure he can. It’s all about using the right incentive. I happen to be great at incentivizing him. ;)
She didn’t need that visual floating around in her head. Falcon was hot but he was also one of her best friends’ husbands. Thinking about him naked and being serviced by said best friend crossed too many boundaries.
MONICA: I’ll take your word for it. I don’t need the details.
Nor did she have time to continue the discussion. Nothing she said would change their mind, so she needed to get some work done while she had the time. God knows once the two of them showed up, she would be looped into whatever trouble they planned to get her into.
Sent to voicemail. That didn’t bode well for him.
Luke thought by not reaching out to Monica yesterday, he was doing the right thing. Now he was beginning to wonder if giving her that day of space had backfired.
“She still not answering you?” Nash took the seat next to him.
The only downside to a completely open-concept business was the lack of office space to hide in when a person wanted to make a personal call. Or in his case, be ignored while attempting to make that call for the third time today.
“She rejected my call again.”
If he was smart, he would take the hint. He would forget Monica Cole ever existed and go about his evening. It would make life easier, that was for sure. His team would be able to take the break they were so desperately in need of.