Page 41 of Challenging Luke
"How the hell was I supposed to know she would be that picky about where she shopped and that all the places didn't open until ten? I suggested Macy’s but she looked at me like I suddenly grew ten heads."
"Shows how little you know about women." Ryker strolled in and dropped into a seat at the table.
Luke was confused. "I thought you were with Monica today."
After what happened last night, he had asked that either Ryker or Dom station themselves inside the building while the others stayed outside like they had been doing.
"That's why I'm here. I went up to speak to your girlfriend about the change of plans. She wasn't happy and asked me to pass along a message."
He waited for Ryker to give it to him, but when it was obvious his friend was waiting for an invitation, he asked, "Care to tell me what the message was?"
"She said, and I quote, 'Tell Luke to suck a bag of dicks. If Luke wants someone in my office, then he can bring his scared ass here to tell me himself' end quote."
It was obvious Ryker was getting enjoyment out of this. It wasn't just the smile on his friend's face but the mischief in his eyes that gave him away.
"I guess she hasn't calmed down yet." Nash tried to hide the laugh behind a cough but gave up after a few seconds.
"I'll go talk to her," Luke sighed as he pushed out of his seat.
"I’d be happy to join you." Ryker leaped up and moved his way.
He bet his friend would, but there was no way he was allowing anyone to witness this particular exchange. He had a feeling he knew exactly how to get Monica to agree with him and that wasn't something anyone was allowed to witness.
"You can wait in the lobby until I give you the all-clear."
Ryker's shoulders slumped forward. "You're no fun."
Oh, this would be lots of fun. That's why Ryker needed to stay outside.
Fifteen minutes later, Luke was riding the elevator up to Monica's office. He figured she was expecting him when her secretary Amelia waved him in.
"Thank you." He gave her a smile.
"You might change your tune after talking to her," Amelia warned.
Oh good. His girl was on a tear. This was going to be more fun than he realized.
"Close the door," Monica snapped before he had more than one foot through the threshold.
"Do you talk to all your employees that way?" She hadn't even looked up to know it was him.
"I don't speak to any of my employees that way." Finally, she picked her head up from whatever she was doing on her computer. "I knew it was you because Amelia was advised to allow only you access to my office after the stunt you tried to pull with Ryker."
"It wasn't a stunt. It's about your safety and Ryker being in the building means you're safer and he can get to you quicker if something happens."
Monica gave him her full attention and he knew what she would say before she even opened her mouth.
"Luke, I'm the CEO of the company. I can't have a man hovering over me as I work and especially not while I'm meeting with clients. My work is confidential. You know how important this job is to me."
"People in your position hire bodyguards all the time. Think of Ryker like that."
Monica had the nerve to scoff at him. "Calling Ryker a bodyguard is an insult to the man. Besides I'm safe here at the building. No one comes up without being given permission first. If he wants, he can sit in the lobby downstairs but not up here."
This wasn't going like he envisioned. Luke knew when he was fighting a losing battle. This was one of those times that nothing he said would get him the desired results. Nor would he use sexual persuasion to change her mind on something that she felt strongly about. He wasn't a manipulative asshole.
"Fine, but I would like you to wear a tracker as well."
So much for waiting for one of his other teammates to run the idea past her. If looks could kill ...