Page 47 of Challenging Luke
"Don't even think about it." Monica didn't even look up as she prepped her coffee into a to-go cup. "I can feel the look you're giving me and I refuse to be late."
"Fair enough." He stepped close and placed a kiss on her neck. "But can you please put something besides coffee into your system?"
"I'll have Amelia order me something before my first meeting."
He didn't trust Monica not to forget, so he made a mental note to order her something as soon as he dropped her off. There was a great café not far from her place that delivered. He could have something there before Amelia got in.
"I need to grab my rental car today. I have a few meetings tomorrow that require me to leave the office." Monica was walking and talking. She took multitasking to a whole new level. He wondered just how often she pushed the limit in the morning.
"I'll make sure Ryker grabs it on the way to your office."
Monica slipped into her heels and turned to face him. He had a feeling he already knew what she was going to ask.
"How long are you going to make that poor man sit in the lobby? He has to be bored."
Yup. Exactly what he thought she would say.
"He can be bored all he wants. It comes with the job."
"Sure, if I was paying you or this was an actual assignment, but it's not. You're making him waste his time when there are better things for him to be doing."
If only she knew.
"Trust me, he doesn't mind." He opened the front door. "Now I thought you were in a hurry to get to work. Wouldn't want this discussion to make you late."
Monica released the cutest growl before stomping out the door. He would've loved to tell her just how sexy he thought that sound was, but he liked his balls just as they were and he feared she would kick him if he opened his mouth.
She only stayed quiet long enough for them to get into his truck and start the commute to her job.
"At least let me pay you."
Now it was his turn to growl. "I'm not taking a dime of your money, and besides, Fletcher started out as an assignment. Just think of this as a continuation of that."
Technically he was still working with the FBI, so it wasn't a lie. They had just asked him to back off, but he refused. His gut told him Fletcher wouldn't stop until he got what he wanted. And that was for him to get information on Monica’s clients. Even if it meant hurting her in the process.
"This discussion isn't over." She told him as he pulled up in front of her building. He didn't bother to argue. There would be no further discussion, but seven in the morning wasn't the time to tell her that.
Monica refused to allow him to walk her up, but she did give him a kiss goodbye. Since it would be a little while before Dom or Ryker showed up, he opted to sit outside. He had a few things to handle anyway. The first was her breakfast. Then he touched base with Ryker, asking his friend to pick up Monica's rental on the way in, and finally, he texted Caden. He wanted to know as soon as the tracker was delivered.
He would be making sure Monica wore that sooner rather than later. He had a bad feeling something big was about to happen.
Monica wasn't the least bit surprised when breakfast was delivered at the same time Amelia showed up. She should've known Luke wouldn't believe her when she said she would eat something.
She wouldn't admit this to him, but there was the likelihood that she would've forgotten to mention it to Amelia when she came in. Not because she wasn't starving but because she had a tendency to forget the small things once she let work consume her.
"These waffles are to die for ..." Amelia moaned from where she sat on the other side of the desk.
Luke had ordered enough to feed a half dozen people, so it only made sense she shared with her secretary.
"It's from the little café around the corner." Monica took her own bite from the stack of waffles and let her eyes roll back into her head. These were almost as good as an orgasm.
"Damn. We kept saying we were going to order lunch from there but kept forgetting. Now I want to kick myself. If their lunch is half as good as their breakfast, I think I've found my new favorite spot."
She had to agree. Although if their lunch was this good, then she would need to start working out again. A meal a day from this café, and she was going to gain a ton of weight.
"You can thank Luke for the new addiction."