Page 20 of Rugged Fox
"She's good. The note was nothing more than a scare tactic. Everyone who ate the cookies and touched the delivery were tested and came back negative. The sheriff mentioned they would continue to be monitored remotely but my guess is it was just another way to fuck with Kati."
"Maverick said you plan to stay outside her house tonight."
I blew out a breath and grabbed the back of my neck. Kati was inside her home already. She hadn't even looked back when she got out of her car. Her only priority had been to rush inside her house and see her son.
"Yeah, I'm going to hang for the night. Kati wasn't in the mood to discuss further arrangements."
"You mean after a long-ass day of work, and then being forced to endure a shit ton of testing, she didn't want to talk about you having a sleepover?" Hendrix's giggle filled my SUV. There was the man I was used to spending my time with.
"It wasn't going to be a sleepover, asshole. And what are we, back in high school?" Then I thought better of that question. "Never mind don't answer that."
"Too late, you asked. If you're going to act like a teenager, then I'm going to call you on it. You like Kati, but instead of handling it like a man, you're reverting back to a prepubescent boy having his first crush on the captain of the cheerleading squad."
"Wow! Harsh."
There was a time in a man's life when being called out like that struck a nerve. The worst part was Hendrix wasn't wrong. I wasn't acting like a man close to fifty and that was embarrassing.
"But the reality check I needed. Thanks, man."
"Anytime. Now what's the plan?"
I looked over at Kati's house. The lights were on in the living room and upstairs, in what I could assume was Kati's bedroom. I closed my eyes and pictured her taking a few minutes to peel off her scrubs and shed the last remnants of her shitty day. Even though she wanted to see her son, I could envision her needing to prove she was okay and the best way to do that was to leave behind everything that reminded her of work.
"I'll give her tonight and then tomorrow I’ll talk to her about upping the protection we offer. I think today was just the start. Things are going to keep escalating the longer she ignores them."
"Agreed. Call me in the morning if you need any help talking to her. I'm sure I can work my charm. Otherwise, I'll be by after she drops the kid off to relieve you." I knew my best friend well enough that those words were accompanied by a waggle of his eyebrows as he hung up.
Why I put up with his nonsense was anyone's guess. Maybe because I knew he meant well by it. If it were anyone else, my first assumption would be that he wanted to hit on Kati, but not Hendrix. He was the best wingman a man could ever ask for. Also? Kati wasn't his type. He preferred his women to be just as crazy as he was.
I was getting settled more comfortably in the driver's seat when the front door of the house opened. Lyla Hart stepped out onto the sidewalk and zeroed in on where I sat in my vehicle. It was clear what her plan was before she walked my way. I rolled down the window in preparation for what I was sure was going to be a lecture, but Lyla surprised me when she opened the passenger door and climbed in instead.
I turned so that my back was against the door and she had my full attention.
"You know who I am?"
"I do." My team and I had made sure to look extensively into Kati's life and that included who she spent time with. Lyla Hart was the one constant. From what we gathered through social media, Lyla had been there for every milestone in Kati's life. The two were more like sisters than friends if I had to guess.
"Good, so it won't come as a surprise to you when I say that if you hurt them, I'll kill you." Lyla raised one brow. Both her body language and her facial expression screamed that she was dead serious.
Pun intended.
"I think you misunderstand my intentions here."
Lyla had the audacity to laugh in my face.
"You must think I'm stupid or blind."
I wasn't stupid enough to answer that, so instead I kept my mouth shut, but let my face answer for me.
I could tell I was in for a long lecture when Lyla let out a very audible sigh and wiggled so she was more comfortable in the seat. "Look, I know you're interested in my best friend. I've seen the way you look at her. Maybe you just want a roll in the sheets, which I completely understand. Kati is sexy and she puts her son first and her sexual needs second. But I think it's more than that. You could tell me I'm wrong and to fuck off, or you could let me help."
Why did the prospect of Lyla helping make my heart beat just a little faster? I was supposed to be adding space because of our dynamic.
"Kati hired me and my company to keep her safe. She didn't hire me to lust after her."
Those words were becoming my mantra in life but even I didn't believe them anymore.
"I get it and I respect you even more for it. Tells me you aren't the kind of man who uses his position to take advantage of a woman. I like that about you, but I know for a fact Kati is going through a similar dilemma. For the first time since she found out she was pregnant with Lucien, a man has caught her eye."