Page 44 of Rugged Fox
I had to give Maverick credit for asking, but it was obvious from the way Diego shut down that he wouldn't be talking about that. It made me wonder if Diego did have something to do with it. He reminded me of someone who would do whatever needed to be done in order to survive. That probably included killing Alejandro. It was just a matter of why.
"We appreciate you talking to us, Diego." Maverick tapped his knuckles on the metal table before standing up, and I followed my boss without looking back.
I waited until we were outside the prison walls to ask, "Do you think this means the threats against Kati and Lucien are over, now that Alejandro is dead?"
Maverick stopped at the driver's side door but didn't open it. Instead, he turned around and leaned back against it. His eyes were focused on the building we just walked out of.
"I don't know. I think it depends on who killed Alejandro. My gut’s telling me this isn't over."
I let out an exhausted sigh. I had a feeling he was going to say that.
"Yeah. Mine too."
There was no way I could've heard Easton right.
"You're telling me that it was Alejandro who was behind the mailbox, cookie, and fire incidents?"
"If we can believe what Diego said, then yes."
It was a damn good thing the asshole was dead. I don't think there would've been a force on earth that could've stopped me from ending his life for the bullshit he put Lucien and me through.
"And do you believe him?"
Easton and I were settled on my couch together. Lucien had already gone to bed, and while I wanted my son to know what was happening in our lives, I was glad Easton waited until it was just the two of us before he explained what happened during his prison visit.
"I do, actually. Diego wouldn't have any reason to lie. Alejandro is dead, so it's not like he could punish his cellmate. And Alejandro was enough of an egotistical bastard that he would brag about his plans. Especially if it meant letting rival gangs know the reign wouldn't end with him."
"Like hell it’ll be passed down to my son."
Normally when I got this angry, the need to pace back and forth would be strong. That urge was currently suppressed due to the fact that Easton was rubbing his thumb up and down my leg as I sat curled up facing him.
"I know it won't be because there are dozens of people who will ensure Los Cangris doesn't get within a mile of Lucien. He has a lot of great people in his corner, starting with an amazing mother."
I hadn't felt amazing the night someone tried to burn down my house, which was why Easton was here tonight. He had asked for another evening, but I couldn't be away from Lucien. Not yet. I had even asked a few of the nurses to switch shifts with me so that it would be two or three weeks before I was required to work my mandatory overnight. Fortunately, they had heard what happened and understood why I needed the time. Those I had asked had been more than willing to switch. Twelve years of never asking for a favor had paid off.
"I just can't believe he stooped so low. Smashing my mailbox and sending a threat with cookies. Those don't scream gang behavior."
Trying to burn my house down, now that I expected. The rest just seemed juvenile and more of an inconvenience than anything. Except the cookies. That could've been a massive problem if they had been poisoned. But still, poison was a woman's tactic. Not a gang’s. The attempts were pathetic at best.
"They weren't gang members and I doubt Alejandro told them how to mess with you. He just gave an order and the recruits followed as they saw fit. I'm assuming if Alejandro knew the shit they were doing, he would've been embarrassed for them. Or maybe he was, and that's why he ended up dead. We might never know."
It was true, but I wasn’t okay with that. I didn't like loose ends. I made that mistake once; assuming that because Alejandro had backed off, that was the end of it. I had been wrong. I didn't want to make the same mistake again.
I shuffled around until I was snuggled under Easton's arm. His fingers traced my bare shoulder and I ran mine along the seam of his cargo shorts.
"Do you think it's over now?"
My body moved with the rise and fall of Easton's chest, and it was several moments before he answered. "I'm not sure. We’re trying to find his second-in-command. Talking to him might help. There's no way of knowing what they fought about, but my first guess would be that Manuel wasn't a fan of a fourteen-year-old boy taking over. Not when he was the one running things while Alejandro was behind bars."
"Well, he can have it."
Easton's lips brushed across my temple. "That's exactly the message I plan on passing along when we find him."
We sat in comfortable silence, both of us just enjoying the comfort that the other provided. The TV was on, but neither of us paid attention to the movie we’d picked at random. Tonight was more about just being there for each other than an actual date night.