Page 10 of Cash's Treasure
I run a soothing hand down his back, basking in the feeling of his weight on top of me. I have no idea how long we lie there without exchanging a word, but it’s perhaps the safest I’ve ever felt. It’s quiet, filled only with the sounds of our labored breathing, but it’s also peaceful.
I just had sex with my best friend.
I wait for regret, fear, shame, or whatever other emotion that could ruin this moment to filter in, but . . . nothing.
The moment is perfect. If given the chance, I would do it over and over again. I would let Cash be my first every single time if I was stuck in a loop.
“Our dinner’s probably cold now,” I whisper, breaking the silence. “I should go and warm it up for us.”
Cash lifts his head to stare down at me, and I read the concern on his face. For a second, I muse over the fact that I am one of the few people he’s shown this side of him.
“Kayla, are you okay?”
“I like it better when you call me Freckles,” I say in response. “You know, growing up, I really hated my freckles. I was told they would disappear after puberty, but they stayed, and I got teased about them a lot. When you say it, your words don’t carry any malice.”
His brows draw as he stares down at me. “I’m serious, Freckles,” he says, his dark eyes stirring something in me. I’m afraid to look too deeply into it, but I have a feeling that I have fallen in love with my best friend. Perhaps it’s something had happened a long time ago, and I’m just coming to terms with it now. “I need to know that you’re okay. I was a little rough with you, and I would never forgive myself if I hurt you in any way.”
No, I’m certain I am in love with my best friend.
I open my lips to assure him of how magical and precious this was, but my throat closes up when I try to get the words out, so I wrap my arms around his massive shoulders and bury my face in his neck. “I’m okay.”
Okay doesn’t even cover half of it, but it’ll have to do for now.
Chapter Five
I’ve been distracted all day, my mind on the girl I left sleeping this morning. If not for my work overload, I would have gladly stayed all day in bed with her.
“Cash, do you have anything to add?”
Last night was unexpected. I always thought that when Kayla and I got together, I would be the one pushing for it, but the memory of my perfect girl’s awkward and equally innocent attempt at seducing me is enough to have my cock growing behind my fly.
Fuck, I want her.
I want to possess that perfect body in every corner of our shared condo the way I have been dreaming of for months, to make her scream my name, so everyone knows she belongs to me.
“Cash, are you listening?”
My eyes shoot up when someone taps my arm. I am surprised to find everyone in the room watching me, and I realize for the first time since joining the Steel Order MC, I have no idea what the hell is being discussed. All the club officials are gathered for church to go over club business, and as the money man, I need to be paying attention.
I clear my voice and turn to Priest, the club’s president. He is a large man, who towers over everyone, even the oversized men sitting around the table. We are all big men, most with dark pasts, brought together by our love for bikes and a desire to belong to something greater than ourselves. I consider every last of these men my brothers, and joining the club proved to be the best thing my twin, Riot, and I ever did.
“Sorry, did you say something?” I ask, my eyes on Priest when I do. The man’s brows furrow, and I can tell he’s surprised by my distraction.
“Yes, I asked if you had anything to add. We are planning on sponsoring a couple of homeless shelters and want to know if we have the funds to make that happen.”
“Right,” I say, my mind refocusing on work. “I’ll crunch some numbers and let you know next week just how much we can put toward that project.”
Priest nods. I typically advise only making investments in ventures that bring profit to the club. As cold and unfeeling as that sounds, my mind is on how to bring money into the club, so that we can cut back on the illegal shit that might get us in trouble. However, I know how much this project means to Priest. His girl was kidnapped on her way to a homeless shelter and trafficked before he rescued her. Now he’s made it his life’s mission to crack down on those taking advantage of the most vulnerable people in our community.
“That’s all for today,” Priest says, rising, and I can practically read the excitement in his eyes to get away from us and back to his girl. A sentiment I share as I pack up my things, my mind on Kayla.
I grab my bag, ready to leave, when someone grabs my arm, stopping me in my tracks. “Hey, Cash, can I have a word?”
I turn around to find Reaper standing behind me. He is a club enforcer, and a very good one at that. Before joining the club, he used to be a professional hitman, and now he’s the club’s first line of defense, always willing to run headlong into danger, an attitude that got him shot a few weeks ago. Good thing he sought shelter at a nurse’s home who was willing to patch him up.
“What do you need, Reaper?” I ask, turning my full attention on him and resisting the urge to glance at my wristwatch to check the time.