Page 3 of Aftermath's Exposure
Derange begins removing her clothes and gently wiping the blood coating her body. “I’ve given her some morphine for the pain.” Derange tells me.
Trigger runs his hands through her hair, feeling around her scalp. He writes something down and doesn’t say anything when he finishes and my temper rises a notch.
I cock an eyebrow at Trigger, “Well?”
“Well, if you’re going to be in here, then shut the hell up and let me do my work.” Trigger pushes me out of the way. “If you move, I’ll have Blayze remove you permanently. I will update you when we’re done. Better yet, go find AlleyCat and bring her in here. She can help.”
My eyes bug out of my head and my mouth drops open. “AlleyCat? Really?”
Trigger rolls his eyes and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Yes, really. If you got to know her instead of just fucking her, you’d know she has a nursing degree and is more useful than your sorry ass in here.”
“Fine.” I grunt out and leave the room. My clothes and hands are covered with my mom’s blood. It’s not the first time this has happened, but after moving here, I’m praying it’s the last.
The last time I seen AlleyCat, she was playing her skills on Aero. They might already be in his room, so that’s the first place I check. I knock loudly, almost banging the door off the hinges with my fists. There’s no answer or noises coming from the other side.
“They’re not in there.” A sultry voice comes from the shadows behind me. I turn toward the voice, my heart racing inside my chest as Kensi approaches me. She is the only woman who gives me this reaction.
“Where,” I clear the lust from my voice and try again. “Where are they?”
Kensi grabs my left hand, which is huge compared to her dainty one, and pulls me down the hallway. I don’t know what kind of game she’s playing, but my body is all for it even if my mind is at war against this. “Come on, Bear. We need to get you cleaned up.”
Really looking at Kensi and the sway of her hips as she leads me down the hallway toward my room, the fullness of her ass, the long legs, straight back. She isn’t the little girl I keep telling myself she is. With her dark hair cascading down her back in curls, my mind conjures up wicked things I could do to her.
“Wait.” I say, stopping our forward momentum because I know once she gets me inside my room, the last thing on my mind will be cleaning up my mom’s blood or finding AlleyCat. Shit! My mom. “I have to find AlleyCat.”
Kensi’s eyes slit in anger. “Why?”
“Because I do.”
“If you tell me why, I’ll tell you where she is.” The spine on Kensi is stronger than I thought.
“Trigger asked for her help with my mom. Something about being a nurse.”
Kensi nods her head and sends a text. A half a second passes when her phone chimes. “There, she’s on her way to them now.” Kensi holds up her phone for me to see. “Now, I need to get you cleaned up, Bear, if you want to be presentable when your mom comes around.”
“I really hate that name.” I grumble.
“What name? Bear?” Kensi questions when she grabs my keys from the pocket of my jeans. Her scent lingers in my nose and I inhale. God, she smells good.
“Yeah,” I answer looking down into her multi colored eyes. They captivate me in the best ways.
“Why?” She questions, resting her palms on my chest under my cut. The heat of her skin so close to mine sends a need of lust roaring through my body. This woman has me all over the place and I’m powerless to stop it.
“Why what?” I question.
Kensi giggles, “Why do you hate the name Bear and what would you want me to call you?”
My brain comes back into focus and I shake my head. “I hate the name Bear and everything ever associated with it in my past. It’s not who I am. I’m not a Bear, or Bear-Bear, like my mom calls me. She gave it to me when I was little because I was plump and round like a Bear.”
Kensi taps her fingertips on her chin while looking me over. “Hmm. “What if I call you overbearing asshole? OBA for short? Egotistical Jackass? EJ for short? "Kensi grins at me. She’s having way too much fun at this.
“Listen here little one.” I growl with danger in my voice. “Keep that shit up and your ass will be sore for a week. You won’t like the aftermath of my destruction on your tight little ass.”
Kensi’s eyes light up. “That’s it! I’ve got it.”
“What’s it? What do you have?” I ask suspiciously
“C’mon.” Kensi pulls my hand, but I don’t budge.