Page 8 of Aftermath's Exposure
“Yes, what’s up?”
Jezebelle squeezes my hand reassuringly. “Well, it’s about Silver Grace. I know what happened and I’d like to go in to Foxy Ladies undercover as a stripper. I’ll do it with or without you, but I’d prefer with.” I answer in one long breath.
“Tell me more.” Capone leans on his desk, folding his fingers together.
I tell him everything Silver Grace told me and when I’m done, Capone doesn’t say a word for a while. I’m about to give up and leave when he finally speaks.
“Aftermath is going to kill me but yes, you will have our protection. Take either Trigger or Red with you. You will not go there without a brother taking you and picking you up. They will stay outside so this asshole doesn't get spooked. Are we clear on that?”
“Crystal clear, Prez. Thank you.” Excitement thrums through my body about getting back out there and doing what I love to do, investigate. My father always thought I’d follow in his footsteps at the bureau but after what happened, that’s the last place I will ever go.
“Don’t thank me, yet. Once Aftermath finds out, he might try to kick my ass.” Capone chuckles.
The next night Trigger pulls into the parking lot of Foxy Ladies and turns the pickup off. It’s quiet in the cab and I inhale a deep breath, taking in my surroundings.
“Are you sure about this, Kensi?” Trigger asks. He doesn’t want me to do this, but I’m the only one who can and be successful.
I look at the flashing neon light above the door of a dilapidated brick building. The place looks like a shithole from the outside, but according to Silver Grace it’s a front. The place is state-of-the-art inside. It’s discreet for their clients and that is how the owner wants it.
“Yeah, Trigger, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be.” I give him a small smile and adjust the tight leather skirt Jezebelle picked out for me. She found a see through lace top and I have a black bra under it, paired with the leather mini skirt and thigh high black boots. Jezebelle even did my makeup and hair. Said if I want to get the part, I need to play the part. So here I am uncomfortable as hell, walking toward the doors. I try to keep the memories of my kidnapping at bay. An eerie feeling penetrates my stomach the closer I get, but I fight it back. Now is not then. Then I was alone, now I’m not. I have a whole MC backing me up.
“Kensi, I’ll be waiting right here when you get off tonight to pick you up. Don’t forget the safety protocol we have in place.” Trigger calls out to me, giving me a sense of comfort.
I give him a wave and quick head nod. We’ve been over this numerous times before tonight. Trigger will move to the opposite side of the building out of sight. I don’t come out until I call him, let it ring once and hang up. That’s his cue to come get me. If I call him, let it ring twice and hang up, that means I’m in trouble, so he better get his ass moving.
Confident I’ve got this, Trigger pulls away. He’s in a non-descript pickup and he’s not wearing his colors to keep suspicion off me. Just some random guy dropping a woman off at a strip club. As if anything about him or this situation is random. I scoff at my own private joke and knock on the door before entering. There's a bald guy wearing black pants and a black t-shirt on the other side. How cliché is this? He puts his arm out, brushing against my chest to stop me from advancing. I bite my tongue at this Jackoff.
“Who are you and what do you want?” he growls, his palm still lingering on my breasts.
It’s show time, Kensi. You’ve got to sell it thick and good to be let in the door. If he thinks I’m weak and scared, he’ll pull you in. I muster up a light southern accent I’ve hidden for years.
“Oh dear, I’m so sorry, darlin’. I am here for a job, love. Can you help me out?” I bat my eyelashes.
“What kind of job?” He asks. His eyes narrow up and down my body.
“A friend of mine told me that you might be able to help a young girl out. I need to make some good money as quickly as possible and he told me to come here.”
“Who you runnin’ from, sweet thang?”
“Who say’s I’m running?” I swallow hard and shift my eyes down and to the left. If he knows what to look for, he will spot it in a second and he doesn’t disappoint.
“That right there. We can’t help unless we know it all.” He points out. “what’s your name?”
I’ve got him right where I want him. “Ok, love. My name is Kensi. I’ll tell you but only if you let me in to make some money. If you kick me out now, Johnson’s going to see I’ve failed and will kill me. Then he’ll come in here and do the same to all of you, darlin’. I’d hate to have that on my conscious. A strong man like you taken out by that man because of a weak girl like me.”
“Johnson? As in...” the bouncer starts but I cut him off. If he thinks without me actually confirming, I’m good to go.
“Is there any other?”
His eyes dart around the dark room before pulling me forward deeper into the lion's den. “I’m not prepared to die over some pussy.” He mumbles under his breath.
The strip club is elegant and beautiful inside. There are plush couches tucked discreetly around the open room. Tall, black, wing-back chairs with black and gold marble table tops set up four deep around the stage. A few couches sit between the tables. The bar is to the back left of the stage and the DJ Booth is to the right. The focal points in the open room are the three stages. Different types of lighting surround the top to enhance the dancers and make them shine. The poles are gold color and the floor is a dark cherry. One main stage is front and center and the other two are on opposite sides. They are the same but three times smaller.
The bar is simple but elegant with no seating around it, forcing the patrons to the stages. There’s another room behind the bar but the door is closed. Maybe a kitchen or storage room. Deeper into the club behind the stages is a dark hallway. You’d miss it if you weren’t looking for it. We go down the dark hallway, the light dimming as we walk through. The bouncer stops in front of a solid oak door. He knocks three times before someone grunts, “Come in.” from the other side.
The bouncer turns to me, pointing a finger in my direction. “Stay here and don’t wander off. I’d hate if something bad happens to you before you show us what you’ve got.”