Page 105 of Dirty Pleasures
“Still, it’s about how you wield the gun.” I thought of Emily naked and moaning under me. “You must operate with understanding. Care. Trust. Keep it safe and away from the wrong hands.”
The paved street shifted to a rocky, dirt road, flanked by swamp. Tonight, the glow from the headlights easily displayed tons of alligators lounging on the roads’ sides. This was not the sort of place to have a flat tire.
I looked at one as we drove by.
Moonlight glistened over that scaly skin.
That pit of alligators returned to me, stinking of shit and death.
I sneered. “May I never see another alligator in my life, after I leave here.”
Tisha laughed.
Soon, we arrived at Delphine’s place.
In the darkness, the Victorian house took on a gloomier image. The yellow paint seemed to glow. The large bay windows appeared like hollow eyes, gazing blankly at us.
There, on that porch, even more huge Black men stood, their silhouettes stark against the dim light, their hands holding guns.
They watched our approaching vehicles.
My mouse better be okay or all of you will die tonight.
Among them, Maxwell stood out on the porch, pacing nervously with a joint smoldering between his fingers. Each time he took a drag, the glow briefly illuminated his face, revealing his furrowed brow and anxious eyes.
The car pulled up to the front.
“It is time.” Tisha took out his gun and made sure it was loaded. “Let’s go check on that beautiful gun that shot through your heart.”
I remembered what Maxwell had said earlier about Delphine’s limited white men policy and left the car. “Stay here, but if Maxwell or I don’t return in fifteen minutes, shoot your way through.”
“Kazimir, are you sure?”
I picked up the jar. “Cousin, I’m not sure about anything tonight.”
Chapter nineteen
Voodoo-proof Vest
My mouse better be fine.
I carried the Eye of the Gator in one hand and headed to the shadow-draped porch.
The few Black men that weren’t standing, now rose and came to the edge of the porch.
Their gazes remained on my SUVs of armed men.
Do not worry. There will be no need for war as long as my mouse is fine.
Those men stood on the porch, still as statues. And in the trick of the moonlight, shadows partially concealed their faces, morphing their expressions into otherworldly illusions with unblinking eyes. The threat of violence radiated from them. It was as if they were not men all, but phantoms Delphine had summoned from old graves.
Dead men to protect her forever.
A chill slithered down my spine.
Despite the undercurrent of danger, I moved forward without a gun or my men.