Page 110 of Dirty Pleasures
I rushed forward into the gloom, rounded the corner, and saw her.
Chapter twenty
The Witch vs. The Lion
The sight that met us was torn from the darkest of my nightmares.
This was no normal basement.
It was too large and vast.
Too chilling.
Thirty feet away, a ring of twisted animal-masked figures swayed from side to side in the smoky space, lit only by flickering candles scattered along the floor.
There, in the center of a circle outlined by chalk and human skulls, my mouse lay.
Unnaturally still.
Vulnerable and exposed.
Her wrists and ankles bound by rope.
I almost buckled over.
Mysh. . .
Fear gripped my heart.
Panic seized every fiber of my being.
God. No.
Her eyes were closed, her face the very picture of peace amidst the chaos, but it was a peace that thrust terror deep into my core.
Blood dripped from her nose, leaving a crimson trail along her cheeks and lips.
The sight triggered a primal urge to protect and unleash violence all at once.
I’m going to kill everyone in here.
I broke into a run, leaving Maxwell behind.
Maxwell grabbed my arm and dragged me back a few inches. “Are you fucking crazy?! What about this says run to it?”
“Get off me!” I shoved him away and rushed forward.
I’m going to bomb their families. Their friends. Their fucking acquaintances!
As I neared her, the full horror of the situation came into focus.
Enormous, ebony snakes coiled, writhed, and slithered over and around my mouse’s body.