Page 150 of Dirty Pleasures
“Do not question my love for you!” Hot rage blazed in his eyes.
I trembled.
“I would bomb and kill for you,” he spoke through clenched teeth. “I would fucking die for you.”
I tried to look away.
He tightened his grip on my chin, kept my view on him, and sneered. “I already told you that I love you. All of you. Every single personality that you hold within you is a part of the woman I’ve come to love deeply. And all of them are mine. Including this M.”
My bottom lip quivered.
His words washed over me like a balm, soothing the raw edges of my soul. Here was this man, who had seen the deepest, most hidden parts of me, and not only did he accept them—he embraced them. . .again and again and a-fucking-gain.
He sneered some more. “I told you this in the car.”
“I know. . .”
“And then I gave you some dick to solidify that point.”
I widened my eyes. “Oh my God.”
“Do you need more dick, mysh?”
I melted right there. “A little later.”
Disgust rode his words. “Fucking asking Baba if I would stop loving you.”
“Hey.” I tried to step back from him, but he wouldn’t let me. “I’m raw with emotion right now.”
“Get un-raw, when it comes to thinking about my love for you.”
I sighed.
He dropped his hand and looked down at my still wearing his shirt. “Did you get some sleep?”
“I’m not tired. I think that drink put me in a deep sleep. When I woke up, I felt like I had over eight hours.”
“You want to stay in New Orleans?”
He groaned. “I would like to leave and once we are in the air, drop a bomb on the witch’s house—”
“Kaz, relax.”
“She is disrespectful—”
“We’re not here for her respect.”
“You were on the ground with snakes sliding over you—”
“Man, I would sleep in a tank full of snakes to get whole—”
“Next time you go there, I will not leave your side.”
“Fine.” I smiled and left his embrace. “That would make me feel safer knowing you are next to my body while I’m on the inside. . .figuring shit out.”
“She said to give her three days before returning.”