Page 197 of Dirty Pleasures
Shots rang.
I checked over my shoulder.
Kaz had picked up the Glock and took out the man in front of him.
I turned back to my man.
A wild, predatory grin spread on his face. He pulled another gun out of his side holster and said something in Spanish.
Then, a bullet pierced his forehead.
I knew without checking that Kaz let out the shot.
Thank you, baby.
The man’s eyes widened in shock as blood sprayed and he fell to the floor.
I pried the gun from his dead fingers.
Okay. Who’s next?
Two new men with white masks rushed at me, one from either side.
Where the hell did they come from?
“More guys!” I pivoted on my heel and rammed my elbow into one man’s midsection, then spun around and shot the other guy.
White-hot pain flared up my arm, but I was already moving onto another guy, each precious second ticking by as if in slow motion.
A bullet whizzed past my ear and lodged itself into the wall behind me.
Then, a shot rang, and a body fell to the floor.
I turned around.
Kaz slung another gun at me.
I caught it. Now both hands held guns. I kept them raised in front of me.
I didn’t see any more people. However, with the way things were going tonight I was sure the fighting wasn’t over.
Kaz hurried to me. “Climb out that fucking window—”
“And then how are you getting out—”
“I will try, but in the end, one of us has to get away—”
“Fuck you with the one of us shit.”
Four new men rushed in, stepping over dead men and aiming our way.
Together, we fired at them, got to the center of the bathroom, and put our backs against each other.
Kaz’s voice grew shaky. “Do not get shot!”
“Never that!” I aimed and pulled the trigger.