Page 220 of Dirty Pleasures
A thin thread of smoke rose from the tip.
Kazimir watched me with an intense focus, and his body leaned towards me as if his every muscle were poised to rush to my way. “Do you need anything? I can call the staff to bring more.”
That’s who brought the things. . .I just don’t remember anyone coming in here.
“No, baby. This is good.” I took another drag.
Smoke curled inside me, and I hoped it would fill the empty spaces in my heart.
“Talk to me, mysh.”
The rum sat heavy in my stomach.
Part of me wished I could disappear into the fog of smoke and alcohol.
The joint burned lower, a glowing ember at the edge of my consciousness. I sipped the rum again, this time letting it linger on my tongue, tasting the sweetness and the burn.
Meanwhile, a heavy, fragrant cloud hovered over me.
Max, you would be proud. I’m quite. . .fucked up already.
I had to admit, the sharp edges of my despair were beginning to dull into a more bearable ache.
I exhaled smoke, and it felt like a small surrender.
I just need to be a little more. . .numb. . .
I put my attention back onto the rum.
This time I took a long gulp.
A warm path formed from my throat down to my stomach, spreading a deceptive sense of calm that I clung to greedily.
I put my focus back on my lion. “Yes, baby?”
Kaz studied me some more. “Talk to me. What is going on in your head?”
I licked my lips, already feeling intoxicated. “If I didn’t have you, Kaz, I would be butt naked, covered in blood, and in the streets doing a mass shooting on innocent people.”
“You just made my cock jerk.”
A smirk sliced through my sadness. “Something is wrong with you.”
The alcohol and the smoke intertwined within my body.
I knew this was no solution, that the morning would bring clarity and a resurgence of pain, but for now, I allowed myself to sink into the embrace of oblivion.
Watching me, Kaz held the beer close to him. “Do you still want to go to the dinner tomorrow?”
“Fuck yes.” Rage pulsed in my veins. “I want to see my enemy’s faces. I want to look them in their fucking eyes. I want to kill them.”
“Then, I will make sure Jean-Pierre understands that the dinner is still on.”
Fucking right it is on.