Page 64 of Dirty Pleasures
“But, you couldn’t keep that mouth just for the Don, cher.” He stormed over to her. “Had to let others get their fill.”
“I-I’m so sorry—”
“Too late for that.” He kicked her hard in the stomach, causing her to roll backward and fall over the pit’s edge.
Her screams pierced the air.
She splashed into the tainted water. Her body created ripples as she thrashed and fought to get back on her feet, but the alligators had already been waiting to pounce. One reached for her fast, opened his jaw, and revealed rows of jagged, yellow teeth. The next second, a sickening crunch drowned out her screams. Blood spurted.
I glanced over my shoulder.
Rafael, Tisha, and Valentina were no longer behind me.
Then, let the bullshit begin.
Chapter twelve
The Eye
I put my view back on the Don.
With wild eyes, he watched the alligators rip the woman apart.
A symphony of bone crunching began. Red juices sloshed from their jaws as chunks of her raw meat flew in the air. A few of the alligators in the back fought to get in the front.
The Don directed his view back on me. “Now where’s that pretty sister of yours?”
You ask about my sister after getting a blow job from a woman and killing her? Many men had died for less.
I swallowed down my anger and gestured to the jar with the Eye. “That is an interesting object right there.”
“Quite the sight, ain’t she?” The Don stood on the edge of the platform. “That’s the Eye of the Gator. Brings a lil’ bit of the bayou magic to this ol’ house. You got an eye for the exotic, don’t ya, Mr. Lion?”
“I have an eye for the valuable, Don. And I believe the Eye of the Gator falls into that category.”
A low, rumbling chuckle escaped the Don. “Well now, ain’t that something? You got guts. I’ll give ya that.”
“How much for the Eye?”
The Don’s laughter ceased, his gaze hardening. “That’s a tall order. The Eye ain’t something you just give away.”
“I’m not asking you to give it away, Don. I’m here to negotiate.”
“Negotiation. Such a big word.” The Don walked over to his throne, lowered onto it, and leaned back. “Negotiate, you say? Well now, that’s music to ma ears. But remember, Lion, everythin’ in this world comes with a price. Even the Eye of the Gator.”
I held his gaze. “Name your terms.”
“My people say you visited the Bayou Banshee first.”
“I did.”
“I don’t like her much.”
“I can understand that.”
“She send you over here?”