Page 67 of Dirty Pleasures
A sense of calm washed over me, extinguishing the flames of my fears.
I squared my shoulders, readying myself.
Tisha and Valentina rolled the bodies over to the edge.
My heart pounded.
“Okay.” I bared my teeth. “Throw them in.”
Tisha shook his head. “Are you sure about this, cousin?”
With a determined nod, Tisha tossed his dead man into the pit. The alligators quickly closed in, tearing at the flesh. The sickening sound of bones cracking echoed in the air.
Having a little more difficult a time, Valentina shoved hers in next. The remaining alligators rushed to that body.
“Have your guns ready.” I took a deep breath, held my knife out, and jumped in. Warm water splashed on me. The pit not only reeked of death, but alligator waste.
Ugh. This is disgusting.
Getting my footing, I quickly trudged forward.
Out of nowhere, an alligator lunged towards me with its mouth open wide—eager to devour me whole.
Damn it!
Somehow, I side-stepped it, right as a bullet slammed into his head. The beast crashed into the water, splashing gunk onto me.
Thank you, Tisha or Valentina.
Adrenaline pumped through my veins.
I raced through the pit.
More bullets fired.
I had no time to see what was going on behind me. All I could do was get to the other side of that damned platform before other alligators rushed my way.
My lungs burned.
My legs ached.
A small alligator charged my way. Rushing forward, I swung the knife, slashing at the snout and slinging it back.
Almost there.
Then, suddenly, right in front of me, I caught sight of the enormous alligator that I had seen earlier next to human skulls.
No. No.
I sprinted forward with every ounce of energy I had, even though my legs screamed in protest.
That damn creature glided through the water with ease. Sharp teeth bared, ready to snap me in half.
Come on, Tisha and Valentina!