Page 86 of Dirty Pleasures
But, blood didn’t spray on my face.
It was red petals instead. They spewed out of her neck, spilling over my hands and the ground.
I stared down at all the petals. “What?”
Lunita laughed so loud it echoed around the rooftop. “You see? No one can die here.”
I staggered back. The knife fell from my hand. “Last time, you threw me over the ledge, I woke up.”
“You switched.”
“You got control.”
“So. . .if I throw you over the ledge—”
“I will be in control.” A wicked smirk spread across her face. “We can’t feel any pain in here because this is the Source. The super center.”
I considered her words. “This is the Source? The super center?”
“You shouldn’t listen to Lunita.” The little girl shook her head. “She’s crazy.”
“But, I know things.” Lunita’s face split into a wide, unsettling grin. “This is our mind. You can’t kill a part of yourself. Everyone knows that.”
I stood there, stunned.
Lunita got up off the ground. “Now, you should go.”
“I’m not going without getting answers to. . .”
Lunita leaned her head down to her shoulder. “To what?”
“I need to heal.”
“We are healed.”
“We are not!” I jabbed my finger in the air. “We are fucking. . .several sandwiches short of a picnic.”
Keeping that head on her shoulder, she widened her eyes. “Then, we should make more sandwiches.”
I stared at her. “Don’t take over my body anymore. I’m trying to create a real life and you’re constantly fucking it up—”
“You put out the stress call.” She straightened her head. “I came. Super powered. Ready for justice.”
“What the fuck do you mean by that?” I looked over at the little girl. “What is she saying?”
She smiled at us. “You both are funny.”
Lunita placed her hands on her hips. “We are a team. And when one of us is in trouble, the other comes to the rescue. Superhero style.”
“I didn’t ask for a rescue. I was handling it myself.”
“You were tired and stressed.”
“Because I just had Emilio and wasn’t sure if I would be a good mother—”
“But, you are a good mother.” Lunita curved her mouth into that odd smile. “A very good mother. Much better than. . .you know.”