Page 93 of Dirty Pleasures
M rubbed his beard. “You know, during my time in India, I learned a great deal about the journey of self-discovery.”
Confused, I glanced at Lunita. “We went to India?”
She shook her head. “M isn’t okay either.”
M waved her away and walked over to the chalkboard that was in the back of the room. “It’s a fascinating process, delving into the depths of one’s own psyche, exploring the various facets that make up our being.”
I listened, yet with all this craziness the concept of self-discovery seemed like a distant idea, more abstract than real.
“I even wrote a book about my experiences and the philosophies I encountered,” M continued with a hint of pride in his tone. “It was well-received, even became a New York Times bestseller.”
I eyed Lunita.
Lunita made a twirling motion next to her temple with her finger and then whispered, “Crazy.”
I looked back at M. “So. . .who do you think is the original? Or the host?”
Lunita let out a long breath. “Here we go again. She just won’t let it go.”
M chuckled softly. “Have patience. She is the last to know. It took you some time too.”
“You talked about some girl being lost, but what if she isn’t lost? What if she is right here?” I took a step forward. “And if I’m wrong, then are you. . .the original? The host?”
M’s expression turned thoughtful. “The concept of original or host is more complex than you might think.”
“We are all facets of the same being, Emily. Each of us represents a different aspect, a different path taken.” M paused for a moment and swept his gaze over the diagram on the board.
I tried to read it, but none of the letters or words made any sense.
Still, M pointed as if it wasn’t all garbled. “From my understanding, we have split into five distinct personalities—”
“Wait.” I held up my hands. “Hold on. That can’t be right.”
I counted the little girl, Lunita, him, and me. “No. We are only four in here.”
The little girl chuckled. “There’s the Whore.”
I blinked. “The what?”
M wagged his finger at me. “Do not jump ahead. If you do, your head will begin to spin.”
“Too late. It’s already spinning.” I backed up.
“Calm down.” M held his hands up in front of him. “Just breathe.”
“I-I don’t want five people. It was bad enough to have Lunita in my head—”
“No one is in your head.” M lowered his voice. “You are in her head.”
“I-I am the original.”
Lunita sighed behind me.