Page 14 of Gemini
It seemed to happen so quickly. I tried to hold off from cumming as long as I could, but there was nothing in me I could physically do not to cum. He’d taken all the precautions possible, cuffing my hands, hiding my cock inside my jock, and neither of us were touching it.
Oscar took pride in having made me cum without touching my cock. He was gentle, uncuffing me and massaging my wrists at where some of the markings had made an indent. It was the first time I’d ever played with something like it. He wiped me down with some tissues, gentle, and caring with his warm touch.
“What food do you want to order?” he asked, helping me into one of his oversized T-shirts.
“I don’t mind.”
“Pizza? Tacos?” he threw out.
“Tacos sound good.”
He winked at me. “Great choice. You wanna go to the bathroom and do your stuff?”
“Are we—” I paused, clearing my throat. “Are we going to have sex again?”
“Maybe not tonight, but in the morning.”
“Ok, so spicy tacos are on the menu then,” I said.
“Love spice,” he said, rubbing a hand on my knee and thigh. “Do you want to take a shower as well?”
I shook my head. “Maybe in the morning. Wait. Are you going to the gym tomorrow?”
He took my hand and kissed it. “I have nothing planned the entire weekend. If you want to spend it with me, we can do whatever you want.”
I didn’t know exactly what he was asking me for, but a weekend-long date. I didn’t know if he was too good to be true or not. “Well, what do you usually do on the weekend?”
“I never really plan. I rest and relax around work.” He raised my hand to his face so I could cup it. “And that means food, protein, the gym, and playing computer games, or games on my console.”
“Was that your console in the living room?”
“Yeah. Well, one of them.”
It seemed we had similar rest and relaxation plans. “Sounds like I have weekend plans now.”
“Good. Because I’m not the best at spending time alone.”
Like a puzzle piece, he was slotting into my life easily. It had been a single day, and I was beginning to feel things I should have kept to myself. But there was sometimes no keeping the way a cock made you feel at bay, or the body it was attached to.
I cleaned myself in the bathroom. Getting. a little nosy to look around and see what might be his and what could be his roommate’s. I didn’t know anything about his roommate, but it was definitely a guy. There were so many colognes and traditionally male smelling scents. Plus, there was unscented soap in the dish.
Oscar called to me once I left the bathroom. He was down the hall in the living room. He sat on the sofa, a controller in hand, waving it in my direction. The tank top had risen to show off his stomach.
“Come on,” he said. “Stop staring at me like I’m that taco plate I just ordered.”
I was definitely hungry now, but that was easily replaced as horny from looking at his body. The oversized T-shirt covered the way I was soon to be harboring an erection. “What did you get?” I asked, joining him on the leather sofa. I tugged the end of the T-shirt, covering my legs in it. “This thing is roomie.”
Oscar tugged at the T-shirt, pulling it back over my knees to touch me. “I ordered from a place a couple blocks away. I got a couple of mixed meats, some spicy, some plain, and a lot of guac.” He squeezed at my knee, his hand dangling between my legs. “I like the way you look in this, so small.”
“Is that your thing?” I asked with the console remote in hand.
“Yeah,” he said. “Twinks, and guys smaller than me. Guys that look like they’re easily snapped in two, but aren’t.”
I closed my legs, holding his hand between my thighs. “I like bigger guys,” I whispered. “You know, there’s this—” I didn’t know how much of myself I was willing to admit or show off to him. “This animated porn thing, it involves these giant orcs who dominate and try their best to inseminate these humans.”
“Inseminate?” he chuckled. “You know that’s impossible.”