Page 49 of Darkest Deeds
It’s morning.I still have no concept of time, but the bright sunshine on my face is unmistakable. My lashes involuntarily flutter, so I squeeze my eyes, fighting the inevitable as a new day nudges me awake.
For the first time in eight years, I wish for the sun to disappear and darkness to return. That’s because for the first time in eight years, I didn’t dream of Yuri. Last night, I slept in peaceful nothingness because the only man who has ever mattered held me tightly against his chest as his protective arm wrapped around me like a shield, keeping the monster in my nightmares in hell where he belongs.
I can’t help but smile. Niko can tell himself he hates me all he wants when he’s awake, but his body betrays him when he’s asleep. Somewhere, deep inside the layers of self-built walls, the man that a naïve sixteen-year-old girl fell in love with still exists.
“Trust isn’t given, pchelka. It’s earned, and you have a long way to go and a lot of secrets to spill. You’re still holding something back. Come clean, and I’ll think about it.”
My smile faltersas his words from last night haunt me. I’ll gain his trust, but it won’t be by giving him what he wants. There are some secrets I’ll take to my grave. Nothing is worth admitting them.
Even to him.
“Well, this is certainly an interesting turn of events.”
My eyes pop open to find a blond man dressed in jeans and a Miami Heat T-shirt standing with his arms crossed at the foot of the bed. There’s no weapon in sight, but that doesn’t stop the scream from tearing from my lungs.
Shooting straight up, Niko grabs a gun from underneath his pillow, going from unconscious to ready to strike in the blink of an eye. “What? What’s wrong?”
All I can do is raise my bound arms and point. Niko swings the gun and aims it at the intruder, who stands there smirking.
“Mudak,” Niko mutters, lowering the gun and raking a hand across his face. “I almost shot your dick off.”
The blond man shrugs. “Painful, but not a kill shot. If that is where you shoot all your enemies, I understand why you need my help. You have too many pissed off dickless men chasing you.”
“How the hell did you get in my house, Mik?”
The man holds up a keyring. “You gave me keys, remember? Your text said to be here at eight a.m. I knocked for twenty minutes before I used them.” The smirk on his face twitches, and his gaze shifts a few inches below my chin. “However, I can see why you may have overslept.”
Niko and I both glance down, and he lets out a string of curses before jerking the sheet over my naked breasts. “Look at her again, and I really will shoot your dick off.”
The man chuckles under his breath and winks. “Understood.”
Niko’s expression borders on homicidal as he throws the sheet off him. Resisting the urge to lick my lips, I watch as he sits on the edge of the bed and pulls on a pair of jeans from the floor. Standing, he rakes a hand through his hair and motions toward me.
“Mikhail, meet Ava.”
“The pleasure is all mine, printsessa.” Mikhail walks toward me and extends his hand.
Before I can let go of the sheet, Niko grabs the edge and yanks it so hard my arms are pinned underneath it, wrapping me in a linen cocoon.
“The pleasure, comrade,” he growls, his temper on the edge of snapping, “is actually all mine. So keep your fucking hands to yourself.”
Instead of being offended, Mikhail seems even more amused. “Of course.” Twirling the keyring around his finger, he dips his chin at me and winks again. “Lovely to meet you, Ava. I am sure I will be seeing more of you soon.”
I don’t have a chance to respond before the door closes behind him.
My mind goes into overdrive. “What does he mean?” I whisper. “You wouldn’t…” The thought is so horrible I can’t say it out loud.
Niko lifts an eyebrow. “Ava, I’ve been accused of being many things in my life, but generous isn’t one of them. I’ve told you I don’t share. That includes money, information, and most of all, women. As far as Mik goes, he’s all talk. He enjoys getting a reaction out of people, so deny him one and he’ll shut up.”
I let out an audible sigh, the knot in my stomach slowly untangling.
“Besides, I don’t make idle threats,” he says, shoving his foot in his boot. “If he touches you, I’ll blow his dick off, providing some alligator a very small lunch.”
I can’t help the giggle that bubbles up. I bury it behind my arm as Niko pulls on a T-shirt and grabs his gun. Running a hand through his thick dark hair again, he heads for the door.