Page 71 of Darkest Deeds
“I don’t like it.”
Ava is bent over, furiously brushing the tangles out of her long red hair when I walk past her. Flipping her head back, she stares at me with the same exasperated look I’ve been getting from her all night. She’s irritated, and seeing her standing next to the bed in nothing but a pair of ass-hugging black lycra short shorts and a white tank top, my first inclination is to throw her on top of it and fuck the attitude out of her. But I’m too focused on talking her out of doing something that has my every instinct on red alert.
Tossing the brush on the dresser, she stomps past me without a word. I have no idea why that small act of defiance pisses me off so much, but something has me on edge today, and I can’t put my finger on why. Regardless, I take off after her, grabbing her around the waist as she reaches the kitchen.
“I wasn’t finished.”
“Oh, I’m sorry,” she says, placing her hand on her chest. “Would it be all right if I get a snack before the second act of the caveman show?”
“This isn’t funny, Ava.”
“No, it’s not.” Sighing, she wraps her arms around my neck and leans into me. “Nothing about this is funny. I know you aren’t happy about me meeting with Ethan tonight, but I have to. He’s expecting me, and if I don’t show up, he’s going to get suspicious.”
“What does it matter? You didn’t find anything at Seven to give him.”
“Which makes it even more important to see him in person. I have to ask for more time.”
“More time?” Reaching up, I pull her arms from around my neck. “Ava, you called an FBI agent and bargained for three days when nobody’s seen you in four. You don’t think the man’s going to have questions? Do you think he’s just going to accept your, ‘Oh well, I tried,’ excuse and high-five you as you walk away? Use your brain. He’s going to arrest you right there.”
A flash of sadness sweeps across her face. “I can handle it.”
I have no doubt she can. From what I’ve seen in the last forty-eight hours, the woman has transformed from someone I thought would cower under my dominance into a force with undeniable authority all her own. However, it doesn’t mean I’m going to throw her to the wolves.
“If you’re determined to do this, I’m going with you.”
Her eyes snap my way, panic racing through them. “No! Niko, if he sees you, this will all be over. I’ll lose my chance.”
When I broke out of Sergei’s prison of forgotten souls, I was a different man than the one who went in. I knew the only things I’d ever put my trust in again would be myself and my gun. I walked through the next eight years a machine, living only for death and revenge. However, somehow, the one woman responsible for destroying me has managed to be the one responsible for repairing the pieces that were left. After having her, I’ve tasted what it’s like to be human again, and I can’t let it go.
“You’re not going alone, Ava. End of discussion.” I wait for her inevitable argument, but instead she tucks a strand of wild red hair behind her ear and grabs a bag of chips sitting on the counter behind her.
“Fine,” she huffs, pushing past me. “But you’d better hurry because we’re already late, and it’s almost an hour drive to Miami.”
It’s on the tip of my tongue to comment that she’s practically still in her underwear, when I hear her phone ringing from the living room. Ava’s ringtone is distinctive, some kind of girlie fairy chimes that sends her flying like a bat out of hell from the bedroom.
Ava’s phone died not long after Rose gave it back to me at Seven. With the damn meeting with the FBI asshole looming, I brought it in from the car late last night and charged it to check for more texts. It seems the guy actually grew a brain and stopped messaging her. Unfortunately, I forgot to turn off the ringer.
We dive for the phone at the same time, limbs slamming into the coffee table as it continues to chime. Luckily, I have more practice jumping over targets, because as we both tumble onto the couch, my hand curls around the phone seconds before hers.
“No!” she screams, clawing at my arm as I hold it above my head. I don’t like the look on her face. It’s pale, terror and panic washing over her in waves.
“Settle down,” I growl. Holding her down with one hand, I turn the phone toward me and glance at the caller ID. As the fifth ring fills the silence, I stare at the one name I never expected to see. The one name that shouldn’t think to call her. Ever again.
Clenching my jaw, I answer. “Sergei.”
“Nikolai, I would ask you why you are in possession of my daughter’s phone, but I think we both know the answer to that question.”
“It’s not rocket science. She had it on her when I killed her.”
Sergei laughs, his amusement fueling my rage. “We are men of action, not lies. We both know she is alive and well. Tell me, was having your cock sucked by my daughter worth being made to look like a fool?”
“Shut up,” I explode.
Ava breaks free from my hold. Crawling off the couch, she jerks on my arm, and swats for the phone. “Niko, please let me handle this!”