Page 80 of Darkest Deeds
“What took you so long?”
I’ll give the asshole credit, he doesn’t flinch, even after I hurl his guard’s severed finger across the room, sending it skidding across his desk. His hardened gaze is filled with irritation as if the extra time I spent butchering his personal army offends him more than the loss itself.
I raise the gun and tap it against my ear. “You know, they say the hearing is the first thing to go. Let me help you out. Someone blew up your house.”
Smoke from the hallway begins to seep into the room, but he either doesn’t notice or doesn’t care as he lets out a hearty laugh. “There are not too many men who dare talk back to me and live to tell about it, Nikolai. You could have been useful to me. It is too bad you chose to kill my step-son instead.”
“I didn’t kill that motherfucker, and you know it. You set me up.”
From my position in the doorway, I stare into the eyes I see every time I draw blood. Now the real thing sits less than fifteen feet away, hiding behind an expensive suit and slicked back hair, an arrogant smirk splitting his graying goatee. To the unsuspecting eye, the image he’s cultivated could almost pass as refined.
I know better. Disguising himself doesn’t change who he is. The devil can wrap himself in royalty before ascending his throne, but he can’t hide the souls he’s taken to get there.
I should know.
He pauses to gaze toward his right and strokes his goatee. “So, you passed the first test. What happens now?”
“Now you pay for your sins.”
Sergei gestures toward me and laughs. “Have you looked in the mirror lately, Nikolai? You force your way into my house spouting this vigilante bullshit as if you have been granted a badge of honor? Bratva blood runs through both our veins. You are your father’s son.”
My hatred gets the better of me, and I charge toward him, pressing the barrel of the gun against the middle of his forehead. “I’m nothing like him.”
Having a gun to his head doesn’t faze him. In fact, the bastard almost looks bored. “Then enlighten me. What offense am I to answer for now?”
My voice lowers, shaking with rage. “For starters? Ava.”
“My pride and joy.” He smiles at me with a wicked grin, and I want to rip his tongue out.
Rage flows hot in my veins as I raise my gun. “You mean your whore-for-hire. You sold her innocence, you son of a bitch. What kind of father sells his own daughter into prostitution?”
“One who easily made her pay for your escape. As far as she knew, I still had your life in my hands and would do anything to protect it.” Black eyes dart to me then narrow. “Of course, I would be careful throwing accusations around publicly if I were you.”
I pull the slide back on my gun. “I’d be covering my dick if I were you.”
He ignores me and motions around the room. “There is no way out of here for any of us, Nikolai. As you pointed out, my fucking house is on fire.”
“You’ll be in hell long before you burn.”
He runs the back of his hand across his chin. “You think you have the balls? Go ahead and send me to hell, but you will be joining me.”
“Wrong again, asshole. This time I’m calling the shots.” I take a quick glance around the room, grinding out the words slowly, “Where…is…my…mother?”
“What do you mean, gone?”
“I told you, if you fucked with me, she would never make it off the plastic.”
My jaw ticks, and on an indrawn breath I absorb the ultimate betrayal. “You motherfucker.”
For thirteen years, my actions destroyed our family, leaving my mother on her own with only random deliveries of money to keep her off the street. My actions erased my identity, causing me to almost forget what her voice sounded like until this morning. Now my selfish actions have caused her death.
I hear a strangled groan, and realizing it came from me, I slump against the desk. I’m distracted, and it’s what he’s been waiting for.