Page 93 of Darkest Deeds
Ethan tips my chin with his finger and winks. “That one was so easy, I’m almost ashamed of myself. I wasn’t shocked to find you both gone when I finally found the property. Garrison Franko is a clever alias. Did you know your lover has over twenty-eight of them? One is Frank Garrison who owns a house in New Orleans, paid for from the same offshore bank account as the Okeechobee one. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that Gaheris would want Mommy close to his other psycho killer buddies when he’s off shooting people in the head for money.”
“Oh God…” I think I’m going to be sick.
“Now, are we done with twenty questions? You’re really starting to piss me off.”
“Just one more. Why are we at a hangar?” It sounds as ridiculous as I thought it would, but I’m grasping at straws. The man’s coming unglued by the second.
He stares at me for a minute, I suppose to make sure I’m being serious, then shakes his head, running a hand down my hair like he’s petting a dog. “Because there are airplanes in them, sweetheart. Planes go up in the air and take us away from all this bullshit.”
“Us?” I shriek. “Are you insane? I’m not going anywhere with you.”
“Is that right?” He taps the barrel of the gun against his chin and pretends to think. “Well, I’ve got a full confession from you on the murder of your step-brother that says you will. You can come with me and keep your whore mouth shut and nod while I tell everyone how I saved you from your homicidal kidnapper, or come with me and go to jail. Either way, you’re coming with me.”
“She’s not going anywhere.”
The deep baritone voice comes from behind me, along with a confusing mix of exhilaration and dread. The last time I heard that voice, I was pinned against a wall with a gun to my head.
Ethan jerks on the end of his tie, pulling it from around his neck. “Christ, it’s about time. Did you stop for coffee and donuts on the way here?”
Niko passes a stare of pure stone between Ethan and me before pointing a gun at my head. “This is between me and her, Schaeffer. Stay out of it.”
“Out of it?” Ethan laughs. “Gaheris, Ava is so knee deep in my bullshit, she can’t shovel her way out.”
Niko glares at me like he wants nothing more than to snap my neck. “Ava.”
He sees me staring at the gun in his hand and smirks. “Did you think I’d fall for the same line of bullshit three times? Even your pussy’s not that good.”
“I called you for help. How could you—”
“Dostatochno! You should always think before you speak, pchelka. Either choose to fight battles or strategize to win wars, but never underestimate your enemy. You don’t think I know what a fucking set up looks like? I should’ve shot you when I had the chance.”
God, that hurt. As much as I expected it, it still freaking hurt.
“Fine, so you caught me,” I say, spitting out the words. “What do you want, a medal? God, I’m so sick of every man trying to run my life.”
There’s a tap on my shoulder, and I turn my head to see Ethan’s gun instead of his finger. “If you’re done bitching, I’d like to shoot the assassin now.”
“No, he’s mine,” I growl. Ethan sputters behind me as I reach into the inside pocket of my jacket and pull out my own gun. I try to think of something to say, but the look on Niko’s face as I aim it at his chest says enough for both of us.
I hear Ethan’s feet behind me. “Where the fuck did you get that?”
“Stay back,” I hiss. “I told you before this doesn’t concern you.”
Niko levels his gun right back at me, his silver eyes staring down at me with dark intent. “So it’s like that.”
“Yeah. It’s like that.”
“Ava, for Christ’s sake, the shot cannot come from your gun. That’s not how this works. I have to shoot him. This is all wrong!”
As Ethan charges toward me, my eyes narrow, and I glare at Niko, willing him to feel the overwhelming power in every word. “I hate you.”
He grits his teeth, and bites out his reply. “I hate you too.”
“Ava!” Ethan yells, aiming his gun.
Niko holds my eyes hostage. “Ava!”