Page 30 of Drawn Blue Lines
It was physically impossible to one-up this woman. Not like there was a good comeback for being called a one-pump chump. And for that matter, why couldn’t she have walked in here looking like the rest of my men’s sisters?
I didn’t want to fuck them. Hose them down, maybe, but definitely not fuck them.
But Adriana was a woman who knew her value and had no problem using it to her advantage. From yesterday’s tantalizing corporate secretary look to the sex-kitten dress she tried to distract me with last night, clothes were just the window dressing to her inner chameleon. I wasn’t sure what today’s outfit was supposed to portray, but at the moment, I really didn’t care.
The tight black skirt she wore was short enough to drive a man to his knees but modest enough to allow her to bend over in mixed company. Long bronze legs extended from the edge, leading down to the same black heels. However, had my dick not already been hard enough to chop wood, her shirt would’ve given it a standing ovation.
Her shoulders were bare, that thick dark hair pulled back in a high ponytail. My gaze trailed down to where two full sleeves covered the length of her arms, which was good because combined, they probably contained more material than the rest of the shirt. Two white bands of spandex crisscrossed over each breast, attaching to the upper part of each sleeve, exposing miles of cleavage.
I swallowed hard. Somewhere in the past twenty-four hours, she stopped being Val’s sister and started being a woman. That was a dangerous park to play in, so I needed to calm down before I did something stupid.
“What do you want, Adriana? I’m busy.”
Her dark eyes crinkled at the corners. “Yes, I see that.”
Like I said, impossible.
She should’ve been shocked and embarrassed, or at the very least, profusely apologetic for barging in unannounced to a private area. Instead, she leaned against the doorway of my office with her hip cocked and arms crossed, wearing the unmistakable look of triumph.
“We need to talk.”
“I’m pretty sure we said all there was to say to each other last night.”
“No, you said all you had to say, and then you ran out like a little bitch.” Her lips quirked, trailing a pointed gaze down to where my erection still tried to break free from the confines of my pants. “I’m here to finish what we started last night.”
My dick leaped at her words, beating against my zipper like a provoked gorilla. Instinct riddled my mind with images of bending her over my desk, jerking up that tiny black skirt and pounding into her from behind until we both collapsed from exhaustion.
What the hell was wrong with me?
Pulling the folder from my desk, I dragged it onto my lap and opened it, studying the stack of invoices to try and force my body into submission. “Maybe some other time. I’m swamped today, Miss Carrera.”
Undeterred, Adriana pushed off the doorframe, sauntering over until she hovered directly above me and placed a hand on each arm of my chair. My brows dove together as I forced myself to focus on the blurry numbers in my lap while swimming in the intoxicating sweet and spicy aroma of licorice.
“Brody…” she purred.
Pure, unadulterated lust.
That’s all this was. It had been way too long since I’d gotten laid. I should take bar bitch up on one of her many offers. Maybe if I had empty balls, I could handle this damn woman with a clear head and get myself back on track.
Then I reminded myself she was a master of deceit.
Don’t be an idiot.
“Like I said,” I repeated, clearing my throat, “I’m busy with these invoices, so make sure not to let the door hit you in your ass on the way out.”
She cocked her head, her heart-shaped mouth puckering into a luscious pout that did nothing for my waning self-control. “Yes, I can see how stressful that might be. Allow me.” Without waiting for a confirmation, she grabbed the end of the folder and flipped it around in a complete one-eighty. “There. That should speed things along.”
It was only then I realized I’d been staring at the damn thing upside down. I fought the urge to smirk. I already struggled with wanting to fuck my enemy, but here I was dangerously close to actually liking the woman?
Hell, no.
Slamming the folder closed, I threw it across my desk. “Get out.”
The smirk faded from Adriana’s face, quickly replaced by something far more deadly. Something I knew too well. A fusion of a silent predator and a raging storm. A dichotomy born by blood and cultivated by power. It surfaced on impulse and flipped on a dime.
It was something I’d witnessed firsthand from her brother the two times I chose to disregard the proper chain of command. The first time Val was too concerned with rescuing the woman we both loved to bother with me. The second time would’ve guaranteed my death had he not owed me for finding her.