Page 58 of Drawn Blue Lines
Releasing his hold on the doorframe, he took a few wide steps into my room, stopping at the edge of my bed and leaning one hand against the bedpost. “Right, because I’d wander down the hall half-naked at three o’clock in the morning because you screamed out Mateo’s name.”
I wanted to smack the smirk off his face. “Well, if I called your name it’s because I was having a nightmare. You tend to provoke those.”
“Yeah?” He paused, hooking his thumb in the waistband of his shorts. “Well call someone else’s next time. I thought someone was killing you.”
He laughed at his own joke, but his words brought my dream back in vivid color, and with it, his face. The man who gave me the choice of accepting death or delivering it was now the hunted.
In an ironic twist, Ignacio sent me to destroy Val, and now Val was sending me to destroy Ignacio. Two powerful leaders sending a woman to do their dirty work. If only men realized how predictable they were. I guided them. I moved them around like pieces on a chess board.
However, for all my bravado, here I sat unable to stop seeing his face. I felt his breath on my skin. I smelled his breath on my cheek. I heard the warnings in my ear, and I couldn’t help but wonder if the destruction I’d so masterfully crafted would be my own.
I barely registered movement before the bed dipped with added weight. “Shit, you’re shaking.” There was a brief hesitation, and then two arms wrapped around me from the back.
I glanced down to see my upper arms completely engulfed in Brody’s huge hands. They felt warm and safe, and I hated that I liked it, so I jerked away. “Don’t touch me!”
Brody’s hands flew in the air like I’d pulled a gun. “Okay, fine. I’ll leave.” Muttering under his breath, he got to his feet and stomped toward the door.
“Where are you going?”
He planted his feet with his back to me. Placing his hands on his hips, he tossed his head back and let out a labored breath. “Not gonna lie, Adriana, you’re making it real hard to be nice to you right now.”
Seconds ticked by when finally, he turned to face me. Still, I said nothing, and neither did he. The longer the silence rolled on, the more awkward it got until he caved first, dropping his chin to his chest in frustration.
A whoosh of air blew past my lips. Thank God. At least frustration prevented us from making eye contact. The last thing I needed was for him to see me gawking at him again.
“What is it you would like me to do, princesa?”
That was a loaded question.
I stared at the empty space next to me. The king-sized bed was ridiculously big for one person, and as much as I hated showing weakness, I hated the idea of being alone more. Clenching my teeth and my fists, I looked up at him. “Can you just sit here until I fall asleep?” Upon watching the cocky smirk peel across his face, I added, “And not make a big deal out of it?”
“Right. So, I’ll just sit here and stay wide awake while you sleep.”
Rolling my eyes, I flopped back down and rolled over. “Just go.”
The bed dipped again, an unexpected flush spreading across my chest as he rolled against me, his unrestrained cock pressing against my ass. “No, it’s fine,” he said, his warm breath fanning across my bare shoulder. “At least I can keep an eye on you this way.”
He shifted, and I swallowed a groan. “If I hear you jerking off, I’ll dick punch you.”
“You’re never going to let me live that down, are you?”
Brody’s deep throaty laugh was the last thing I remembered before drifting off into a peaceful sleep.
* * *
I woke to an empty bed.
I didn’t know whether to be grateful or pissed off that Brody ditched me like a drunken one-night stand and the fact that I even wasted time caring annoyed me more than anything.
After throwing on a pair of cut off jean shorts and a black scoop-necked top, I swept my hair in a loose messy bun, grabbed my newly-packed suitcase, and headed downstairs.
I heard their whispers as soon as I reached the bottom of the staircase. Indistinguishable words, but three voices I knew weren’t four for a reason. My blood heated with irritation, so lifting my heels off the marble, I shuffled on my toes toward the sitting room to find Mateo, Val, and Brody standing in a huddle. I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but apparently it was serious.
Which meant I was just in time.
I placed my suitcase on the floor and flounced into the room with flair. “Hola, boys,” I announced. “I didn’t see a No Girls Allowed sign hanging outside the clubhouse, so I assume someone will fill me in on what all the secret whispering is about.” Three pairs of eyes turned my way, but when Brody’s dropped from my face to my feet, then slowly slid back up again, my smirk faded.