Page 91 of Drawn Blue Lines
“I’m sorry, that’s not going to be possible.”
Adriana’s head shot up. “Why the hell not?”
The teller gave her a thin smile. “Mr. Esteban Muñoz is the only name listed on the safe deposit box. Just because Miss Muñoz has the key and claims to be his daughter, that doesn’t give me authorization to allow her access.” She tapped a pink painted nail against her computer screen as if we could see it. “Her name has to be on the account itself. I’m sorry.”
She was sorry?
Somewhere in that vault was a truth bomb ticking away the seconds of the Carrera Cartel’s destruction. Unless I could convince some half-wit to stop wasting my time and unlock the gate, it would detonate, and Adriana and I would both be as good as dead.
And she was fucking sorry?
With a quick look around, I noted there were only two tellers and one office manager in the entire place and made a snap decision.
Pulling my gun, I glanced at her nameplate while aiming it at her face. “Here’s what’s going to happen, Maya. You’re going to let Miss Muñoz back there to get her father’s shit right now. If not, I’ll put a bullet in your head, and…” I swung the gun toward a younger woman two windows down from her. “I’m sure Selena over there would be happy to do it for you.”
Maya nodded like a bobblehead and let out a high-pitched wail while she blubbered, snot flying everywhere as she begged for her life.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Adriana hissed beside me.
“Shut up and take this.” Keeping my gun level, I reached for my ankle holster and handed her another one.
Her eyes widened. “Where the hell did you get that?”
From Guns R Us—where the hell did she think I got it?
“Oh, I don’t know, maybe from the haul you requested from your fiancé. Now stop asking me stupid questions and go!”
Taking the gun, she pointed it at Maya and motioned her toward the back. Once they disappeared, I turned my attention toward Selena, the catatonic teller.
“What’s your boss’s name?”
“Vicente Hernandez.” Selena spat the name as if it was the vilest thing she’d ever tasted.
I was starting to like this girl.
I let out a loud whistle. “Hey, Vic, I’m going to need you to come out here, and I suggest you do it now because I promise you don’t want me to come get you.”
The fucker had been hiding out in his office the whole time.
Slowly, the office door opened and a middle-aged man wearing a cheap suit and a bad comb-over walked out with his knees shaking and his hands up. “Por favor don’t hurt me. I’ll do anything you want.”
I turned toward Selena and pointed the gun at her head. “Tell you what, Vic, I’ll make you a deal. Only one of you is walking out of here today, so since you’re the man in charge, you tell me who it’s going to be. Do I shoot Selena or you?”
I was only half-serious. That was the lawyer-half. However, the lieutenant-half was still waiting on his answer.
He didn’t hesitate. “Her. Shoot her.”
Piece of shit.
“Unfortunately, that’s the wrong answer, Vic.” Swinging the gun around, I fired once, and Vicente Hernandez hit the ground. Shaking my head, I noted Selena’s shocked face. “I can’t stand a weak man,” I explained. “At least die with dignity.”
“Are you going to kill me?” They were the first words she’d spoken since giving me a dead man’s name.