Page 19 of Savannah Heat
He shrugged as they got to the bar. “Okay, do you want another drink?”
“No, not right now. I’m going to find the ladies’ room and then look for the senator and his wife to say hello. Please, have a drink and mingle. I’ll find you in a little while.”
Jenna left Brock standing at the bar and walked away before he could say anything else. She stopped a few times as she made her way across the room to exchange words with the people she knew and to get a close look at their jewelry. Eventually, she found Marta, the senator’s wife.
Marta was wearing a stunning diamond-and-ruby necklace, and earrings to match. She sported a large, pear-cut diamond ring on her right hand and a gold ring on her left hand. Jenna estimated the woman was walking around with a cool million on her body. She was a walking treasure chest and a prime target for any experienced thief who knew how to separate the jewels from their target. This was the type of thief she knew who must be there, and they needed to find them. It was too great of a prize to pass up for any skilled jewel thief. She wondered if Dan had seen them on Marta Roseland yet.
As she made her way around the room, she caught sight of Dan once. Somehow, he was minus Harper, and seemed to be doing the same thing she was doing. He was mingling and talking with groups of people and moving on. There was no sign of their insurance investigator-tracking dog, Gail. Nor could she see Harper anywhere, or Brock.
By the time Jenna made her way back to where she left Brock, an hour had gone by. She felt a little guilty, but she was doing what she must do. She looked around for him now with an apology ready, but then she heard that laugh again.
Brock and Harper were standing out on the balcony, drinks in hand. Harper’s hand rested on Brock’s arm, and he clearly enjoyed himself.
Jenna almost left them there undisturbed, but she saw Dan coming her way with two glasses of wine. She nodded toward the balcony.
When he saw Brock and Harper, he smiled.
Jenna felt relief flood her body.
Dan did not care at all Harper was flirting with Brock.
She had forgotten how good Dan looked when he was dressed up, though he hated it. These past two nights reminded her what a truly sexy, charismatic man he was. Now he looked like the real James Bond. Dan, unlike Brock, looked as if he could spring into action if needed, with no regard for his outfit.
Dan handed her a glass of white wine, and they stood side by side, looking at their dates flirting with each other on the balcony for a few seconds before they spoke.
Jenna pointed toward the couple. “Well, looks like they are getting along.”
“Harper gets along with everybody, if there’s something in it for her.”
“You would know, I guess. Where did you say you met her, Paris, right?”
“Long time ago, in Paris. She was taking some photos at one of the fashion shows and attended a party I was invited to there.”
Jenna raised her eyebrows and looked him in the eyes. “So, you hit it off and then…”
“Then, well, we saw each other when our paths crossed. She traveled a lot.”
“And your paths continue to cross?”
Dan frowned. “I’ve not seen her in months. It’s not serious, Jenn, never was, never could be. She seems to turn up where I am from time to time. It’s not like I share my schedule.”
“It’s none of my business, Dan.”
“It could be.”
“I can’t do this now, Dan. Can’t.”
“Sure, I get that. We’ll table it for another time. Now, to change the subject completely, I saw millions on display tonight and no Gail Wells. I’m thinking she couldn’t wrangle an invitation.”
“Yeah, the display of wealth is a bit breathtaking. I hope you got to check out our hostess, Marta Roseland. I figured over a million was walking around with her. These women don’t seem afraid of wearing the real things. Over confidence can be dangerous. But I did notice some plainclothes security guys.”
“Yep, saw them, about eight of them in all. Maybe a dozen if you count those outside the door and the senator’s body man.”
“One is looking our way now, Dan.”
“Okay, shake my hand and walk off. I see Gail Wells coming. The security guy has sent her my way. We don’t want her to clock us as a duo.”
Jenna did as he instructed and turned into the crowd, winding her way through the room again, but this time, she watched for security and not jewels. After a quick stop in the ladies’ room, she found Brock on the balcony, but no Harper.