Page 43 of Savannah Heat
“What? What?”
“They are having a cocktail hour at their private residence. He is determined to get every dollar he can out of these people. He doesn’t have a clue what he is risking,” Dan said, looking at Jenna. “He probably wants to get into everyone’s pocket before they start home. We’re invited.”
Jenna sighed. “Makes our job much harder. So, master mind, how are we playing this? Everyone will be clustered around Mrs. Roseland and the diamond necklace for at least part of the evening. And again, with the drinking and mingling, but at least the number of people will be far less this time.”
Dan nodded, tapping his notepad again. “I wonder if the thief or thieves have figured out Mrs. Roseland might be wearing a fake, and if so, what it will do to their plan.”
“It’s not like they won’t have other targets to pick from besides her necklace. Other jewelry will be there nearly as expensive and worth the risk anyway. And maybe everyone will be thinking it’s all over. The thief has struck, and now they are safe inside the senator’s private residence.”
Dan stopped pacing and looked at Jenna. “Exactly what I was thinking. If there are two of them, one can create a diversion while the other does the taking of the jewels. It’s what I’d do. I wouldn’t risk breaking into the guests’ room safes or the hotel safe. Too much security, and too many cameras and people. And it would take too long. Safes can be tricky. Big risks.”
Jenna took a final swig of water. “No more swiping a necklace from an elderly woman sitting on the toilet. This will be it…the big play. The other times were rehearsals with benefits. I feel it in my bones—as you would say. I wonder if…” She stood.
“What are you thinking?” Dan asked.
“Like you said, the diversion thing. I have a feeling you were right. They are going for the necklace, we know this. It’s all about when and how.”
“Unless—they know Marta will be wearing a fake and then what? Will they attempt to break into the senator’s safe while everyone is at the party a few rooms away? If somehow they know where the safe is and think the real necklace is there—that will be the move. I’m giving myself a headache. I don’t like going into these situations without all the facts.”
“They must realize the place will be covered, and loads of security will be present.” Jenna frowned.
“Security guards aren’t the end all, you know. Are you forgetting how we did it?”
“How could I ever forget? We did a trial run weeks before. We knew how to get into Roget’s house and his safe before we made the hit. Then I got him out of the house by calling him and saying his daughter was in a car accident. The big diversion.”
Dan smiled. “And so, what does it tell us? Let’s talk it all the way through.”
“They know about the fake or they have guessed. They’ve already checked out the senator’s security and can bypass any electronic surveillance equipment. The question we can’t answer is, they will divide and hope to conquer with a distraction. Will they concentrate solely on the necklace Mrs. Roseland is wearing as the big prize if they aren’t sure whether it’s a fake or not? If they go for the one she is wearing, it will be quick and without warning like the other robberies.” Jenna rubbed her temples.
Again, Dan started pacing. “There’s no way for them to know if she will be wearing the fake or the real thing unless they have inside information. Since this is a private affair and in the senator’s home. So, it’s reasonable to assume she would be comfortable enough to wear the real thing. I’d be thinking it but there’s no guarantee. Who all knows about the fake necklace, for sure?”
Jenna massaged her forehead and closed her eyes. “The senator and his wife, Kerri, his security team, the person who arranged the airport pickup for the fake necklace, maybe. At least one of Mrs. Roseland’s friends, for sure, and the person who made the fake, and yeah, so lots of people.”
Dan got another bottle of water from the refrigerator. “People don’t realize how much other people talk and how much can be given away in what they think is casual conversation.”
“I guess we’re back to yes, they could know Mrs. Roseland will be wearing a fake,” Jenna said, as she looked at her buzzing phone. “Should I call Kerri?”
“No, it doesn’t matter now. The game has started, and we have to show up and play this game Harper and Gail seems to have set up.”
“Okay then. I need to start thinking about the cocktail-robbery party, I guess. What does one wear for such a special occasion? Have you arranged our car? Do I have anything to wear?” Jenna mumbled and left Dan in the kitchen.
An hour later, Jenna was dressed and ready to go shop for a new dress and shoes, leaving Dan in the kitchen preparing something special for their lunch, he told her. She was curious where this new obsession with food and cooking came from. She wondered if this was something he picked up in France. She tried not to think about a woman, also in France, who might be the cause of this new interest.
By the time Jenna got back to the townhouse from her shopping trip, the house smelled wonderful. She was starving, having eaten a skimpy breakfast and after burning numerous calories shopping.
She put her packages in the hallway and followed the smells to the kitchen where she found Dan, still clad in his boxer shorts and wearing an apron with, Kiss The Cook, in red letters. He was humming something she didn’t recognize and stirring something in a large pot. “Well, you look right at home. What is this gourmet treat claiming all your attention?”
“Sorry, you must wait and see. I even made bread. Or it will be bread soon. It’s in the oven.” He pointed.
“You made bread, like with your hands rolling out dough, that kind of made?” Jenna grinned. “You look cute in the apron.”
“Yes, I made it with these very hands, and you will be properly impressed. Can’t you read my apron, woman? It says Kiss The Cook. A small price to pay for all my efforts to make this meal for you.”
Jenna walked over and kissed him full on the mouth. “There now, get back to work. I need to take care of a few things upstairs. My new dress is probably wrinkling as I speak. Then I will get into my comfortable yoga pants, and prepare to be impressed by your culinary skills.”
“Stay out of the kitchen until I call you. Maybe in an hour. Oh, and I ordered a cheesecake to be delivered. If you could answer the door for the delivery, I’d appreciate it. Though you think I’m cute in this apron and box shorts, I’m not sure the delivery person will.”
Jenna laughed. “Oh, I don’t know, whether it be male or female, I don’t think there is any room for argument, you look pretty cute.” She got only as far as the hallway before she stopped. Being as quiet as she could be, she pulled her phone from her bag and went back down the hallway and into the kitchen.