Page 46 of Savannah Heat
“Hardly, and not to change the subject, but do you think I should have gotten a shorter haircut and a different kind of suit? It looks kind of European and expensive, which is the case. But I wanted to blend in here.”
Jenna laughed. “No worries there, hot stuff. Your NYPD vibe filters through no matter what you are wearing or the length of your hair.”
Dan took his clothes from the hangers and held up his suit jacket. “I think I might have just been insulted. I don’t know about any NYPD vibe, but women have said I look great in this suit.”
Jenna grinned, watching him study himself in the mirror. “You look great in the suit, and you know it. I think the haircut length was a good idea. I like it.”
“Okay, so, yeah, I do look less like a detective who has slept in his car than usual. I’m fixing myself a drink, want one?”
“No, I don’t want to mess up my lipstick or have to brush my teeth again.”
Dan shook his head. “The weird things women worry about. I think I’d explode if I had to live an hour in the head of a woman.”
“You’d not last a day.”
Dan put on his shoes and looked at himself in the mirror. “I’m sure you’re right.”
“Go on downstairs and watch for the car. I’ll be down in a few. I need to transfer things from one purse to another.”
Dan shook his head. “Like I said, a woman’s world will remain a mystery.”
As they met in the hallway later to go to the waiting limo, Jenna was happy to see how good Dan did look. He could put any rich Southern gentleman to shame with his European-cut suit, handmade shirt, and Italian shoes. His hair, just long enough to be sexy, and yes, a bit European-looking, suited him. He had picked up some sun while in Savannah, and he wore it well.
Jenna turned and smiled. “Well, my, my, you are a handsome one.” A ripple of fear ran down her spine.
“Come on, Jen,” Dan said, as he saw the look on her face. “It’s almost over, and then we can get on with things. Don’t worry. We always came out on top, didn’t we? We will this time, too.” Dan sipped at his drink.
But Jenna could barely get water down as she looked out the window waiting on the car. “It’s here, the car.”
Dan put his phone in his coat pocket and opened the door. “Shall we, little red bird?”
Chapter Twenty
Jenna and Dan made their way out to the waiting limo for their trip over to Tybee Island. The past few days were as if the society events of the year all rolled into a few days, and the entire town seemed involved somehow. All the shops, hairdressers, limo companies, and the hotels made a fortune in this one week.
They waited about fifteen minutes in traffic before they escaped downtown traffic, but they made good time to the senator’s house. The view in front of them looked like a limo parade. The sun would soon begin to set and be replaced by a huge, nearly full moon, breaking into the night sky and showing off Tybee Island in all its beauty. Jenna had memorized these skies from her childhood. As she thought about what might be ahead of them, she felt her pulse quicken. They would catch these thieves, they would. Was it really Harper? And who else?
Jenna was so distracted she failed to notice Dan was uncharacteristically quiet until they were almost at the senator’s house.
He leaned over and touched her hand and gave it a little squeeze.
She finally took notice of how tense he was.
He was tapping his right foot, and his jaw was in a total clench.
“Dan, are you all right? You look stressed, and—uncomfortable.”
“What? No, I’m fine; I have a bit of a headache, and I’m a bit worried about the lack of response from Luc I was expecting. Glad this thing is a cocktail party and not another formal thing. My tux was getting a workout.”
“You can bet I won’t be doing any parties again anytime soon,” Jenna said.
Dan rolled down his window to get a better look around as they approached the senator’s house. “Okay, we’re here.”
A staff member was on hand to direct them inside as they got out of the car. Jenna watched Dan tense as he looked around for security. “It looks like most of the guests are here. We are fashionably late.”
They walked through a large entry foyer with a domed ceiling made of a colored glass squares, all in muted color swirls. Music was playing in the background, and they could hear some chatter coming from the room ahead as the staff member led the way.
“Not a bad life.” Jenna leaned close as she looked around.