Page 49 of Savannah Heat
“Dan, wait, I just had this horrible feeling. What if we’re wrong about all this, and the real thief gets away? What if Harper and Gail are just here because they think they can catch you in the act of taking the necklace? Do we even know who we are after?”
“Not likely—that I’m wrong, I mean. Take a breath. You’re letting your adrenaline rule and not your head. What you just described is a hell of a lot of trouble to go through for them to be hoping I will try a jewel robbery. Think about it. Something much bigger is going on here. Stop second-guessing our plan. Let’s focus.”
Jenna nodded and let out a loud sigh. “Yeah, well, I guess I had a bit of a panic attack. So, let’s circulate and see what we can find. Keep a lookout for Brock. I’d be interested in your take on him if you can get him into a conversation. Okay, stop looking at me like that. I know—focus. I’m focusing.”
They split up and went in search of their targets. Dan walked away in the opposite direction Jenna was taking. After twenty minutes of roaming through the area, Jenna had no luck in spotting anyone of interest. She hoped Dan was having more luck. At some point, Harper would have to do something. She hoped Dan knew where she was. Frustrated, she took the opportunity to go to the ladies room and re-pin her hair. “How did you get yourself in this mess?” she asked her reflection. But she knew how—she teamed up with Dan. “Idiot, why did you let him take over your life again?” she said to her reflection as she left, but she knew why.
Chapter Twenty-One
Jenna didn’t have to look around long after coming out of the bathroom before she saw Brock’s blond hair reflected in the bar mirror as she returned to the main area.
He leaned against the end of the bar, talking to the bartender.
This was odd in itself since he rarely acknowledged the service people in any situation. Before Jenna approached him, she watched him for a minute. She was now intrigued by his changing personality and wanted to see if she could spot any other inconsistencies.
Brock looked up and waved as she walked toward him. She could tell immediately he had been drinking the entire time since their last encounter. His eyes were glassy and his movements slow and a bit uncoordinated. Maybe Dan was right. This did not seem like behavior of someone about to pull off a multi-million-dollar jewelry heist.
Jenna stood beside him and leaned in. “Brock, are you drunk?”
He stepped back, bumping into the bar, and almost losing his balance. “No, of course not. I told you I’d not eaten, and I think it went to my head. Well, yes, maybe I am a bit drunk,” he said, grinning stupidly, as his drink sloshed over the rim of the glass. “Oops, maybe more than a little.”
Jenna took his arm and guided him toward the patio door. “Let’s go out to the balcony and get you some fresh air. Maybe you should switch to water for a while until you have more food.” As Jenna steered Brock through the patio door, she saw Dan standing with Harper and another couple at the far end of the patio.
Dan looked up and then guided Harper back inside.
Brock didn’t seem to notice Dan or Harper as Jenna guided him to a seat at a small table. She handed him a bottle of water she picked up at the bar and watched as he chugged down half.
Brock rubbed his hands across his face and groaned. “Got to get out of here.” He held on to the side of the table and pushed himself up. “I think I need to go to the bathroom, Jenna, I’m not feeling so good. Must have been the shrimp.”
“Okay, well, do you need me to walk with you?”
“No, no, of course not. I’ll be okay. Back soon,” he mumbled as he staggered forward.
Jenna watched as Brock walked off, wobbling ever so slightly, but he seemed to be going in the right direction. She sat alone on the patio and wished this night was over. Then she thought about what might happen after this night. What did all this mean for her and Dan? She realized the bad timing of doing a life review, but the subject was weighing on her more than she thought it would. Could she trust him completely again like she did before—with her very life? Did she even want to try? Her head was spinning and not from the wine. She forced herself to stand, and she went back inside to wait and watch, but she wasn’t sure for what.
Jenna saw Dan and Harper standing with a small group as she made the rounds on her way toward the bathroom to check on Brock. Still no sign of Gail. She looked at her watch; Brock had been gone a good half-hour. As she got to the bathroom door, she saw him come out, almost knocking her backwards.
“Oh sorry, Jenna. Sorry I took so long. I think I got it out of system now.” He patted his stomach.
“Okay, good. You’re still looking pale but maybe a bit steadier. How about more water?”
Brock nodded and grabbed on to her arm as they walked away from the bathroom. “Anyway, Jenna, why does the senator have a men’s room and a ladies’ room signs on bathrooms in his own house?” Then he laughed as if it was the funniest thing ever.
Jenna couldn’t tell if he was serious or being funny. “I think they put the signs up for the guests’ benefit to make it easier. I suppose in real life, one is their guest bathroom, and one is a general bathroom they likely use more routinely. They do entertaining and events in this house, mostly. It’s not their everyday home. It’s more like an extension of the senator’s office than a home.”
“I knew you’d know. You always have an answer for everything, don’t you?” Brock frowned down at her. “And the patio area, it’s as big as the one at the other building. The man must have big bucks. Look at this place!”
“Yes, I suppose he does.” Jenna walked back into the main part of the house.
“Listen, Jenna, if you don’t mind too much, I’m getting a car and going on back to the hotel. I’m feeling terrible. I think the shrimp gave me food poisoning.”
“You do still look a bit shaky and pale, but wouldn’t you like to maybe wait outside on the patio for a while to see if you feel better?”
“No, I’ll go on back,” he mumbled, then paused for a moment. “And I’m sorry things didn’t work out for us, Jenna. I really mean it.” Brock walked off toward the front door, trying to get his phone out of his pocket, and he didn’t look back.
Jenna shook her head, processing this new development as she went back to the bar for water. She wondered what Brock’s departure meant. Probably nothing and she was being paranoid. Dan was right; Brock had no real role in what was going on. But she couldn’t let it go just yet. Could he be the unwitting accomplice? Was he faking his sickness so he could escape her but not really leave? She surveyed the room but saw no sign of Dan, Harper, or anyone else in their current drama. She did notice the senator was sticking closer to his wife now, and she was glad he was taking things seriously.
As she started walking over to talk to the senator and Marta Roseland, she couldn’t keep Brock from popping back into her mind. Darn it, why didn’t she follow him to make sure he left? Was she losing her touch? She made a quick turn and rushed to the front of the house and out the door. No Brock, and two waiting limos. She couldn’t do much about it now but to let Dan know. As she reentered the house, the lights dimmed, and a low vibrating gong sounded. She knew it was the signal for everyone to stop talking and wait for the senator to make another one of his speeches.