Page 121 of If You Want Me
I rub my lips, trying to camouflage my guilt, but my fingers still smell like Aurora. I shove them in my pockets. “It’s not a big deal.”
“It’s just nice to know I can count on you to back me up when it comes to my baby girl. I couldn’t ask for a better friend.”
Shame is a heavy rock in my stomach as I force a smile. I know it won’t be easy, but Aurora and I need to figure out how to tell him before it’s too late.
Roman has a couple of errands to run after our workout. He invites me along, but I feel like a bag of garbage, so I head back to my place. As I’m letting myself into my penthouse, Zara pokes her head out of Roman’s door.
She’s wearing a floor-length skirt, a flowy top, and her long hair hangs over her shoulder in a braid. I see Aurora in her lean frame, dark eyes, and soft smile. “Hi, Hollis. Do you have a minute?”
“Yeah. Of course. Come on in.” I step aside, and she crosses into my place.
I’ve been waiting for this since she caught Aurora sneaking back in on her birthday, two nights ago. According to Aurora, she promised not to say anything to Roman. I suggested maybe now was the time to tell him. But Aurora nearly broke down in tears, worried about how it would affect the rest of Zara’s visit, so I relented. I hope Zara hasn’t changed her mind.
“Can I get you anything? Something to drink?”
“A glass of water would be nice, thank you.” She glances around my place. One of Aurora’s scrunchies is on the floor. Malone has decided they’re his new favorite toy.
I offer her a seat in the living room and excuse myself to pour us both water. It gives me a moment to collect myself. Zara’s easygoing, but I can only imagine how this looks from her side.
Postie has already made himself at home in her lap on the couch by the time I return. Malone is snuggled by her side. I take a seat in the chair across from her, and Malone defects to my lap. Thankfully he doesn’t start the blanket humping. It’s like he knows it’s inappropriate in current company.
“I think you’re a great guy, Hollis, and I believe you will treat Aurora well. But I have some real concerns.”
We’re cutting straight to the chase, apparently. “We plan to talk to Roman.”
“Aurora mentioned that.” She strokes Postie, who purrs up a storm, oblivious to the tense conversation taking place. “Let me be very clear. I understand that everyone sees me as a free-loving hippie, which I am. But it’s the openness of my relationship with North, and our willingness to communicate and set clear boundaries, that allows this. How do you think this will go over with Roman? How will he feel knowing you’ve been dating our daughter behind his back?” Her tone isn’t confrontational or combative; it’s a question she wants answered.
I go with honesty. “I think he’ll be very upset.”
She nods slowly. “Especially since you’re intentionally keeping it from him.”
“I’d rather take Roman’s anger than create more stress for Aurora. Especially with how much she has going on. The idea of her being upset unravels me,” I reply.
Zara nods again. “And that’s why you’re so intent on waiting? Because you think she can’t handle more stress?”
These reasons are convenient and hide my own deeper fears—that Aurora will realize she can do better, that the baggage I’m carrying around is more than she’s prepared to deal with. I run my hands down my thighs, considering my words carefully. “Aurora is used to taking care of Roman as much as he takes care of her. She’s the one who cheers him up on a bad day. She takes care of him when he’s sick, or takes a hard hit on the ice. He’s as much her world as she is his. She’s concerned about Roman’s reaction, and how it will impact the team dynamic going into playoffs. Roman’s my best friend. I hate to admit, but she’s not wrong. It will mess with things on the ice.”
She arches a brow. “Do you truly believe that’s her sole reason?”
“Fear of the unknown and hurting Roman are at the top of her list.” There’s a level of codependency between them, but part of that is directly related to Zara’s role in her life. I don’t particularly want to go there any more than I want to do a deep dive into my own shit.
She rubs Postie’s cheek while I do the same with Malone. Thank God for selfish cats who want to be petted. It’s the only thing tempering my anxiety.
“I can’t force you to tell Roman sooner, and I certainly understand your concern about his reaction. He is incredibly protective of our daughter. I appreciate that you want to support Aurora’s needs. I think you can be very good for her, but she’s young. You have far more life experience. How will you ensure that she’s a healthy person? It’s easier to manipulate your partner when there’s such a gap between you.” She raises a hand when I start to interject. “I don’t believe that’s something you would do intentionally, but she will look to you for guidance. It’s up to you to make sure you’re helping her realize her full potential. It would be easy for you to swoop in and take care of her, give her everything she could ever want. But as a partner, you’ll also need to make sure she’s following the path she wants, and not the one you’re setting out for her.”
I nod, absorbing her words. These are all things I’ve thought about, but I want to put her at ease anyway. I want her approval and her support, not just for myself, but for Aurora. “I’m in the last few years of my first career, and she’s about to start hers, so we’ll be on a new path together. She’s ambitious and driven. I want to be there to support her dreams and help her achieve them.”
Zara smiles. “Just remember that as her lover, your advice and your words will hold more meaning than most. Aurora has incredibly deep feelings for you, and I sense that yours match. I believe that’s why you’re following her lead with Roman. But it’s up to you to show her she’s worth the risk you’re both taking.”
“She is. Absolutely.”
“Right now, I think you believe you’re putting her first by honoring her request for secrecy. But who are you really protecting by not telling Roman? Whose heart are you risking? Sometimes by trying not to hurt someone, we end up doing the most damage.”
“You’re so good at this. Yes. Dear Lord in heaven. Right there. Ah! Sweet fu—Postie! Not now!” One of Aurora’s hands leaves my hair as she pushes Postie away. For the fourth time in the past ten minutes. “Can’t you see Hollis is busy with another pussy?”