Page 132 of If You Want Me
She curves one palm around the back of my neck and fists the lapel of my tux with the other. “I hated seeing you together. I hate that you can dance with her, and you can’t do that with me. That you can touch her, that she can touch you. I want to be the one you take on dates.”
“I want the same thing.” I stroke her cheek. “And I know it won’t be easy, or simple, but I’ll deal with Roman.”
“He won’t be okay with it, though. He already said as much.” Her voice wavers with fear.
“I’ll make it right.” Like I should have done weeks ago. “Not being able to celebrate with you has been hell. I can’t watch you from the sidelines anymore,” I admit.
“I’m just so scared.” She’s practically shaking in my arms. “What if it damages my relationship with him? Or your relationship? What if we can’t fix it and it’s too late? I don’t want to lose him. He could decide none of the sacrifice was worth it. What if he never forgives me?”
“You’re his world, Aurora, nothing will change that. But I’ll fix this, Princess. I’ll make it better.” I sweep her tears away. “When we’re alone, I’ll make it up to you,” I murmur. “I’ll take away all the hurt.” And I’ll tell you exactly how I feel about you. When we have privacy. “Does that sound good?”
She nods.
I brush my lips over hers again, powerless against the pull.
“What the hell?” Roman’s disbelief-laced voice is a bucket of ice poured over our heads.
I move Aurora behind me as I spin to face him. The person I’ve been lying to for months. Who I should have been honest with ages ago. Who I’ve betrayed in the worst way possible.
Of course this is happening now. As if this night wasn’t already a shitshow of epic proportions. Everything Aurora has worked for, all she’s done to prove herself, will be overshadowed. What kind of lasting damage will that do? What will the ripple effect do to her, to Roman, to us?
His wild gaze moves from me to Aurora, who’s mostly hidden behind me. “Peggy?” His voice is low and unsteady.
“Roman.” I raise both hands. In surrender. In supplication. “I can explain.”
His confusion is replaced with cold realization and simmering rage. “Explain? What did you do, Hollis?” He moves closer, wild eyes focused over my shoulder. “Get away from my daughter.”
I reach behind me and uncurl Aurora’s fist from my jacket, but don’t release it as I move two steps to the side. She’s sheet white, her chin trembles, and her eyes dart between me and Roman. His livid gaze is locked on our joined hands.
“Peggy?” His shaking voice is full of barely contained fury and fear. “What’s going on here?”
Her shaking hand goes to her lips. “We wanted to tell you. We were going to tell you.”
“You were going to—” His jaw clenches and he snarls. His dark gaze snaps to mine. “How long has this been going on? What is going on?”
I squeeze her hand. “I care very deeply for Aurora.” This can’t be how I tell her I’m in love with her.
“That’s not a fucking answer!” he shouts. “How long, Hollis?”
I swallow the guilt and own the truth. “A few months.”
His eyes flare, and he rushes forward. Aurora tries to step in front of me, but I block her. Roman’s fist connects with the wall behind my head, and Aurora grabs hold of me. I’m set off balance and go down on my bad knee. The pain is momentarily blinding. I deserve it—for lying to Roman, for falling for his daughter, for keeping her a secret.
“Hollis!” Aurora’s hands are on my face.
“Don’t touch him!” Roman roars.
“Dad! Stop!” Aurora pleads.
“Princess, please step back. This needs to happen,” I murmur.
“You fucker.” Roman grabs me by the lapels and drags me to my feet. “You’ve been going behind my back and—dating my daughter? She’s twenty-one years old!”
“We’re both adults, Dad,” Aurora snaps.