Page 170 of If You Want Me
An hour later, we step through the doors of the Watering Hole. Roman is at my side. I don’t make it three feet inside before I’m tackle-hugged by Aurora. Her entire body winds around mine. “That was amazing! You were amazing!” She mashes our mouths together. “I’ve already had two glasses of champagne, so I can’t be responsible for the things that come out of my mouth tonight.”
“Maybe censor them in front of me,” Roman says.
“Oh fu—” She untangles herself from around me. “Sorry, Dado.” She dances over and hugs him. “You were amazing, too.”
He pats her on the back. “Thanks, kiddo.”
She edges between us and links her arms with ours.
In that moment, I realize it doesn’t matter what comes next, whether I decide to play next season or hang up my skates and go a different direction. I’ve done the things I wanted to in this career. Hit all the high notes. This is the win of all wins. And it’s that much sweeter because I get to celebrate it with the people who matter the most—my best friend and the love of my life.
Aurora is it for me.
My person.
And she’s worth every risk.
Itemper my steps as I approach Aurora’s office and smile with pride when I see the nameplate that reads AURORA HAMMERSTEIN, Assistant Director of PR fixed to the door. She’s been in the role for the past four weeks and is quickly proving this is where she belongs.
I pause when I reach the threshold. Today, she’s wearing black dress pants and a pale blue blouse. Her hair brushes her jawline and shows off the elegant curve of her neck. She’s so fucking beautiful it makes my heart hurt sometimes. And she’s mine. I thank the powers that be and the creators of superhero pleasure devices for opening that door and giving her the guts to be the first to walk through it. She’s a force, and an inspiration, and I’m lucky to have been worth the risk for her.
When I rap on the doorframe, she looks up from her computer. She wears blue-light glasses, and I love them on her. But then, I love everything about her.
“Hey.” Her gaze moves over me in a slow, appreciative sweep. “You look delicious.”
I glance over my shoulder, checking to make sure there’s no one in the hall before I turn back to her, lips tugging up in a smirk. “You interested in taking a bite?”
“Always, but I’m at work.” She motions to her surroundings as she rolls her chair back.
I saunter over and grab the arms of her chair, caging her in so I can steal a quick kiss. I bite the edge of her jaw. “Lots of empty offices, and you’re probably due for a lunch break. You should leave the glasses on.”
“We have to be at the shoot in less than twenty minutes.”
“That’s plenty of time to take care of all your needs, Princess.” I finger the heart pendant that rests against the hollow of her delectable throat.
“You can’t go to an endorsement shoot smelling like vagina, Hollis.” She’s breathless, though, and she doesn’t sound entirely convinced.
“You think it would be better for me to show up to the calendar campaign with a raging hard-on?”
“You’re such a bad influence.” She laughs and pushes on my chest.
“Is that you saying yes?”
A throat clears behind me. “Hollis, stop pestering my assistant.”
I adjust the problem in my pants as I straighten, grateful I’m wearing a suit. “I was just saying hi.”
Hemi snorts from the doorway. “Never play poker, Hollis, unless you want to lose your shirt.” She holds up a hand. “And please don’t use that as an invitation to take it off. You will get to do that soon enough.” Her phone chimes with the death march, and she rolls her eyes to the ceiling. “Lord, give me strength.” She checks the message and shakes her head. “How the hell can Dallas be late? Didn’t he drive in with the rest of you?”
“Tristan said he was driving himself,” I offer.
“Do you want me to check on him?” Aurora asks.