Page 4 of Collide
Noah rolled over in bed, all of his muscles stiff. He felt like he’d been hit by a truck. As soon as the thought struck him, he realized how ridiculous it was, considering that’s exactly what happened. Cooper Bradshaw had collided right into him.
All these years later, and he still didn’t watch where the hell he was going.
Noah tried to get up, and groaned at the foggy feeling in his head. It wasn’t his ribs that bothered him at all. No, he felt like he was swimming through muddy water, and the only thing that made him feel like that, was Demerol. Why didn’t he tell them he couldn’t take it?
Fighting his way through the murk, Noah stood. He was a little shaky on his feet, but kept on going. The only way to get out of this was to push himself. He needed a hot shower…something to drink. Then, maybe he would start feeling like himself again.
As much as a shower called him, he not only didn’t know where it was, but his mouth felt like it was stuffed with cotton balls. So kitchen first, shower second.
Coop’s house. He couldn’t believe he’d landed himself in his old friend’s place. Cooper had been the best friend Noah ever had. After they left Blackcreek, he stopped trying. Didn’t want to make new friends, because it would hurt when he had to leave them.
Noah padded his bare feet down the stairs, wondering where his shoes were. How they’d gotten off, and how the hell long he’d been out. When he got to the bottom, it opened into a large living room with oversized-dark green furniture, and a big-ass flat-screen on the wall.
“H’llo?” His voice came out raw and scratchy. Damn Demerol.
“In the kitchen,” Cooper’s voice sounded from the other side of the living room. Noah followed it, until he found Coop standing at the stove in a pair of jeans and nothing else. The years had been good to his friend. His muscles were firm and defined. His skin golden and sun-kissed, and fuck if he didn’t have a six-pack. Noah fucking loved that.
He walked over and fell into the kitchen chair. “I feel like hell. My brain is all foggy.”
Cooper laughed. He was always laughing at something. That’s one of the things Noah remembered about him. He loved to laugh. “No shit. I thought you died in there. I went in a few times to make sure you were still breathing.”
Noah watched as the other man scooped eggs onto two plates, walked over and set one in front of Noah. It was strange how comfortable it felt sitting with Cooper. Almost, as if no time had passed, at all.
“You should eat. You’re supposed to take your pain pills with food.”
His stomach growled as he looked down at the food in front of him. Until Cooper sat the food in front of him, he hadn’t realized how hungry he was. “Thanks, man. Mind if I get something to drink?” Noah stood.
“What do you want? I’ll grab it.”
“I’m not helpless. Point me in the right direction, and I can do it.” Noah didn’t like having people take care of him. Didn’t like to cross those lines of getting too close. Not anymore. He’d broken his own rule when he got semi-serious with David, and look where that left him? Not that Cooper would be someone he’d end up in a relationship with, because he was pretty sure Cooper wasn’t gay, but he wasn’t up for letting anyone in again, either.
“Third cabinet over for the cups; drinks in the fridge.” Cooper sat down, and started to eat.
Noah poured himself some orange juice, trying not to wince with each of his movements. Maybe, he was hurt more seriously, than he thought. Definitely time to get another of those pain pills. Well, depending on what they were.
With slow steps, Noah walked over and sat back at the table, drinking down half of the orange juice with one gulp. “Thanks, man. I really appreciate you bringing me here, and for breakfast. We don’t really know each other anymore—”
“I hit ya. It’s the least I could do. Your car’s outside too. She’s a beauty. Not running, but, she sure is pretty.”
Noah laughed, and when he did, a sharp, stab of pain went through him. He grabbed his side. “Shit, that hurts. Don’t make me laugh.”
“How long are you planning on hanging around?” Cooper asked, before taking a bite of his eggs.
Wasn’t that a good question? All he’d known was that he needed a fresh start, and Blackcreek had called to him. “I don’t know. I’m thinking for good. Like I said, just packed up and left.”
Cooper nodded. “And like I said yesterday, I have a room. Might as well rent it out to you rather than someone else; if you’re interested.” Cooper set his fork on his empty plate, and leaned back in the chair. He had stubble along his jaw, his dark blond hair, cut short. His blue eyes were full of mischief, like they had been when they were kids. Hell, they’d caused some trouble together years ago.
Looking at him, he realized how much he’d truly missed his friend. Sure, he’d known it as a kid. It had pretty much wrecked him. Noah had isolated himself for a long time after that, but seventeen years had passed. He wouldn’t have thought seeing Cooper would still mean so much. But given that Cooper had been his one real friend from when he was a kid, it made sense.
And renting a room was probably a smart idea. It would be a whole lot less than getting an apartment. Again, he had the money, but he also wanted to get his furniture business off the ground.
There was only one problem. He had no idea how Coop would react to him being gay. It wasn’t a problem for him. They would only be roommates, but that didn’t mean Coop would be comfortable with it.
“You don’t mind sharing a house with a gay man?”
Cooper was taking a drink right as the question left Noah’s mouth. He immediately started choking on his OJ, and coughing like crazy.