Page 101 of Monstrous Urges
“Yes, well, I’m making it my business.”
I smirk to myself. Then I’m gasping as he turns his attention fully to me. I can feel the heat and the wrath in his gaze as his eyes bore into the side of my skull.
“Careful, toy,” he growls quietly.
I keep my composure.
“You’re going to tell me the truth.”
“I promise you, that’s not happening,” he hisses.
“I wouldn’t make promises you have no way of keeping right now, husband,” I smirk, still looking forward. I see Yelizaveta out on the balcony, gesturing violently with her hands as she barks something I can’t hear from here into the phone. She turns, spotting me watching her. She flashes a quick smile and a wave.
I wave back, beaming.
“Tell me why you want onto the Table so bad, or when she walks back in here, I tell her everything.”
His grip on my shoulder turns malevolent, his powerful fingers digging into my skin painfully, sending warning alarms blaring through my head.
“How do you suppose she’ll react to me,” he grunts, “telling her about you?—”
“I think she’ll be a little more concerned about you bribing me to pretend to be your wife so that you can sneak?—”
“You are my?—”
“So that you can sneak,” I barrel on, “your way onto their Table.”
I finally turn toward him. Something sharp and cold ripples up my spine as his piercing blue eyes eviscerate me.
But I don’t scare easily.
“Tell me why you want onto that Table.”
“For the power it brings,” he grunts, smiling coldly at me.
I shake my head. “Again, the next time you kidnap a girl to use her for your own nefarious purposes, maybe make sure she’s not one of the top trial lawyers in New York, if not the top. That’s one reason you want on. But you already have more power than you could possibly know what to do with, and more money than you could ever spend.”
“No one has ever in the history of the world said no to more power,” he grunts.
“But that’s not why you want that seat, is it.”
I shiver, my spine snapping straight as he leans forward.
“Careful, little girl,” Drazen murmurs darkly. “You’re way out of your depth here.”
I smile sweetly. “No, little boy,” I whisper back. “I’m not.”
I glance over to where Yelizaveta is still yammering into her phone.
“Tell me.”
“Annika, I’m fucking warning you.”
Yelizaveta sighs as she hangs up the phone.
“Ooo, tick-tock,” I say quietly. “You know, I can’t wait to see her face when I tell her you bribed me to play along so you can scam your way?—”
“You will sorely regret this,” he snarls viciously.