Page 114 of Monstrous Urges
Partly from his parting words: there’s another you out there.
I change quickly, stripping off my swimsuit and stashing it behind some rocks along with the towel after I dry off as best I can. I can come for the evidence tomorrow. Right now is all about sneaking back in without getting caught.
Dressed, my pulse still racing, I quickly scramble back up the embankment. I stick to the shadows, my ears humming with adrenaline and the thud of my heartbeat as I race back to the house.
Movement near me catches my eye. I flinch, whipping my head to the side.
Only shadows. Only darkness.
I’m losing it.
I keep speed-walking, then upgrade to a light jog. Again, movement has me yanking my gaze from in front of me to peer into the shadows.
My heart lurches.
There’s something there.
I don’t think, I just turn and run. I bolt through the dark, almost moonless night, racing in the direction of the house. The snap of twigs behind me has my pulse jangling. The gruff snarl of a man’s voice has my heart climbing into my throat.
Chancing a glance behind me, my eyes go wide when I see a man in black, a balaclava over his face, charging through the trees toward me. The scream curdles in my throat as I whirl and start running again. More movement catches my eye to the side.
Holy fucking God.
For one brief, exhilarating second, I was wondering if it was Drazen. I was hoping it was him, even if he’d be pissed to know I’d snuck out.
But it’s not. There are two men in black chasing me through the night.
My foot catches, and I scream as I go tumbling to the ground. My pulse shrieks like a train whistle in my ear as I scrabble for purchase, getting up again. I keep running, but I can hear them right behind me. I can feel the wind as one of their hands almost grabs me, and the heat of their breath as they close in.
The house lights are up ahead. Veering to my left, I run as fast as I can to the broken stone wall that runs along the cliffs here. There’s no trees there. I can run faster.
I’ll make it.
A hand grabs the back of my shirt. My heart explodes into my throat, choking me as I get yanked backward off my feet. My back slams to the ground as they pile onto me. Sheer, mad terror sirens through my entire existence as one of them yanks out a vicious blade, leering down at me as he lifts it.
His head snaps back in a violent jerk. A red circle appears in his forehead as he slumps to the side. The other guy leaps up, gun in hand. Instantly, he’s gurgling as a hole explodes through his throat.
My hand flies to my mouth and my eyes bulge in horror as he drops like a stone. I scramble to my feet, spinning around, my heart still trying to claw its way out of my chest.
Terror grips me as I lock eyes with the man in the black devil mask and black suit, a smoking gun in his hand and his piercing blue eyes cutting into my very soul.
Holy fuck.
It’s Drazen.
Just as I’m about to stagger toward him in sheer elation, the look in his eyes stops me. It honestly scares me, and the snarl on his lips under the edge of his devil mask turns my heart to ice.
“You’re in fucking trouble,” he hisses. He starts to walk toward me with a black, malevolent energy swirling around him like smoke. I shiver, backing away as my heart begins to speed up again.
“You fucking disobeyed me.”
I shiver as the backs of my legs hit the crumbled wall overlooking the cliffs down to the waves below. He keeps advancing on me, teeth bared, a venomous glint in his eyes and a primal look etched across his face.
“I—those men,” I choke. “They came out of?—”