Page 49 of Monstrous Urges
Well, that part is true.
“It’s just stress, Gabriel. I’ve been talking it through with Dr. Jesnick.”
“Ahh, the famous shrink,” he grins.
I roll my eyes. “You know, you of all people are at the top of my list of people who would benefit from therapy.”
“I’m good.”
“Wouldn’t you like a professional opinion confirming that?”
“Nope.” He grins as he turns to me. “Seriously, though, you’re okay?”
I nod before my face turns glum. “How bad is the gossip mill at the office?”
When Officer Ramone pulled out his handcuffs earlier, Alistair made them take me downstairs to the parking garage via the executive elevator. So, no one besides him and Amelia saw the actual arrest. Still…rumors…offices…enough said.
Gabriel just shakes his head. “Total lockdown on that. Alistair and Amelia obviously aren’t saying shit. Fumi and Eloise know…” He gives me an apologetic look. “I mean, they do. Sorry.”
I sigh.
“But they’re also obviously not saying a word.”
“And the fact that two police officers walked through the firm and straight to my office?”
He shrugs. “You were discussing a confidential case with them. Taylor, no one in the office is talking about a thing. You’re all good, okay?”
I nod, exhaling as he pulls up outside the Soho Grand.
“You want to tell me why you’re really staying here? Because there’s no fucking way a five-million-dollar apartment has a roach problem. Even in New York.”
Fuck it. Pick your battles.
“I walked in on Steven screwing one of his TAs.”
Gabriel’s face goes livid. “In your fucking apartment?!”
I nod. His mouth turns grim.
“I think Steven and I need to have a little?—”
“No, you don’t.” I shake my head firmly. “I’m fine. I was over it long before that happened. I just had to…get out of my place for a few days after seeing it.”
Gabriel scowls. “Taylor?—”
“I promise you, I’m fine, okay? But I am going to take the rest of the day off. I’ll be in tomorrow, and…” I trail off when I see him wince. “Okay, what.”
He exhales. “Take the day, sure. Unfortunately, you’ve been requested for a meeting tonight.”
Fuck. “With whom?”
“Drazen Krylov.”
My brow lifts. “Um, why? Alistair is taking over all his business.”
Gabriel shrugs. “All I know is, you’ve been specifically requested. You’re having dinner with him at D’Atella at nine.”
I groan. “C’mon, seriously? After the day I’ve had, I want to be in bed at nine. Chances of getting out of it?”