Page 6 of Monstrous Urges
How will I know it’s you?
You’ll know I’m near when your pussy starts to get wetter
And then the icon next to his username went dark, leaving me staring at that last line.
Two hours later, here I am.
The car’s GPS says I’m minutes away from his house, and when it hits me how close I am to actually doing this, something dark and twisted ripples through my soul.
Yes, this is insane. But, criminals though most of them may be, I know for a fact that Dante vets every member of the Club. I mean, it’s not like he’s letting in actual psychopaths and/or dangerous murderers who want to lure women to the woods and chop them into pieces.
The GPS tells me to take the next turn. Up ahead, the main road goes on, but a side road winds along the hilly side of the river, up into the trees. My headlights sweep over the dark, gnarled trunks and overgrown underbrush as my tires no longer rumble over pavement but a dirt driveway. The map says the address is right up ahead, but I didn’t see a mailbox or anything when I just turned.
The driveway winds higher and higher up Into the trees. I frown, looking for the lights of his house, or at least a porch light or something. But then the driveway evens out to a flat clearing in the trees, and suddenly, the GPS dings again.
I’m here.
My pulse begins to thud a little faster as I glance nervously into the darkness surrounding the car.
There’s no house.
No lights.
Just darkness and woods, and the sudden feeling that I’m in way over my head. The idea of turning around and going home to read something involving my fantasy, perhaps with a familiar vibrator, instead of indulging in whatever insanity this is becomes very, very tempting.
Shivering, I pull out my phone again.
I think you gave me the wrong address by mistake.
I don’t make mistakes.
My throat bobs as my eyes lift to peer into the dark woods next to the small gravel clearing.
I don’t see your house.
You wouldn’t from here.
Get out of the fucking car, slut.
Something vicious stabs into my chest. Something I know should terrify and appall me. Something that should set off every alarm in my head.