Page 31 of No Bed Of Roses
Determined to touch his skin, Isla moved her hands to shove aside his flannel shirt and lift his t-shirt. His muscles flexed as she brushed her fingers over the skin she’d exposed.
Levi pressed her harder into the door. His leverage kept her in place as he took his hands from her butt and mimicked her movements, trying to get to the skin on her belly.
When he drifted his big hands over her bra, her head dropped back to clunk against the door, and she couldn’t catch her breath.
Levi’s mouth dropped to her jawline and then her neck, sending her spiraling higher. Somehow, he worked her sweatshirt up and off. She shoved his flannel down his arms, and he shrugged it to the floor.
Then they were diving into the next kiss and touching whatever they could reach. “Too many clothes, Levi. Too many clothes.”
His hands moved back to her butt, and he squeezed. “Okay. Hang on. I’ll set you down.”
She nearly cried at the loss of contact, but there was no way to get naked with everything they wore. With a grin, she yanked off her t-shirt and reached for the button on his jeans.
He had hers halfway down her legs when he swore again. “Work boots. Why are we wearing work boots?”
Damn it.
With a groan, she gave up on his jeans. “I’ll do mine. You do yours. Race you.”
His laugh was all sexy male and had her hands trembling with her laces. She couldn’t keep her eyes off him. He used one hand to yank his t-shirt over his head, then made quick work of his boots, toeing them off before she even had one undone.
“Focus, Isla. Hurry.”
She met his eyes, and that was another mistake. Desire blazed from his gaze. Never had she had that much desire aimed her way, and it had her fumbling again.
She gave up on the boot and framed his face for a kiss.
“You’re going to kill me, Isla. I’m going to be a dead man before we get your damn boots off.”
Another laugh bubbled out of her. How could she be laughing when she was this turned on?
Levi’s hands kept working while she focused on his mouth, jaw, and then his magnificent chest. He tasted like sun and summer and Levi. He was making her head spin.
Then he slipped down to kneel at her feet. “Lift your foot, Isla.”
She rested her hands on his shoulders and watched as he dragged off her work boot and jeans from one leg. He grinned up at her. “Almost there. One more.”
When she was wearing only her plain bra and panties, he studied her body slowly, caressing every inch of skin with his eyes.
Then his finger followed the path, soft touches that had her trembling from head to toe. When he reached her panties, he traced along the hem of the material. Back and forth, a little further each time.
Then his tongue took over. His hands firmed on her hips, making sure she didn’t fall over while his tongue licked along the edges of the material.
With another curse, Levi zipped her panties down her legs and tossed them over his shoulder. He grinned. “Hang on to me.”
Then his tongue was on her. Every thought fled, and Isla was left with only the ability to feel.
So many sensations as he licked and tortured and drove her clear out of her mind. The orgasm slammed into her, and if he hadn’t been holding her hips, she would have dissolved into a puddle on the floor.
His fingers and his mouth kept the orgasm spinning through her, taking her to the edge of reason and so far beyond.
Pleasure surged through her in waves, consuming every part of her.
“You’re stunning, Isla. Hold on to me. Hold on. I’ve got to grab a condom.”
His words barely penetrated the waves of pleasure, but she leaned her weight on his shoulders. The sound of the package ripping had her opening her eyes. Watching him roll on the condom had her body reacting again.
With a surge, Levi was on his feet, and he boosted her again. She leaned back against the door and enjoyed the feel of him against her.