Page 42 of No Bed Of Roses
His laugh through the phone was harsh and full of regret. “You have nothing to be sorry about. You were right, but I just couldn’t see it. It took me years before your words sank in. Years more before I could see past the fact that money wasn’t everything. I made so many mistakes, Isla. I hope one day you can forgive me.”
She wasn’t sure what had caused the change in her father, but she didn’t think he’d ever made such a long speech to her. And he’d definitely never told her she was right. “What changed your mind?”
Her father choked out another laugh. “A woman I’d been dating told me I was a complete idiot and that unless I could pull my head out of my ass and value the truly important things in life, she was out of my life.”
“I know. It took me some time and a fair bit of groveling, but I’ve made some changes. And for the first time since your mamma died, I’m happy again.”
Levi looped his arm over her shoulder and squeezed. She smiled at him through the tears while she spoke to her father. “I’m happy for you.”
“You’re going to like Elaine. I think your mamma would’ve liked her too.”
Isla had to take some deep breaths to speak. “I’m glad to hear it. Why did you send Glen to look for me? Where is he looking?”
Her father sighed. “I had a health scare about a year ago. Heart attack that I was lucky to survive. With Elaine encouraging me to find you and the fear that I might be too late, I knew it was time to start acting like an adult. I wasn’t in any shape to search the country, and I figured it would be a good task for Glen. Find out if he can do anything other than agree with me.”
That made Isla laugh, and her father chuckled, too. “Last I heard, he’d found out about a job you had in a lab here in Texas. Future 4 Us, I think it was called. But no one there would confirm you’d worked there or tell him where he might find you.”
That was good. At least the lab hadn’t given out her phone number or personal details.
“Where are you now? Are you happy? Do you have a good job? Is there anything you need?”
That made her smile, and she squeezed Levi’s hand while she smiled at him. “I’m very happy, and I have everything I need.” Levi lifted her hand to kiss it. “I moved to Vermont recently and plan to do more experimental work with crops. It’s early in the season, and I’ve only planted a garden so far.”
“You always loved the garden. Our cook planted it, didn’t she? What was her name again?”
And there was her dad. Oblivious to the people he’d considered beneath him. Asking about the woman now was a good sign. “Constanza. She loved the garden and taught me so much.”
Another sigh. “I’m glad. When your mom got sick, I became a terrible parent. I know I can never make it up to you, but I’m very sorry I wasn’t a better dad.”
More tears threatened. These were words she’d never thought she’d hear. “Thank you.”
They chatted for a few more minutes and made plans to talk again in a few days. When they hung up, she stared at the phone. “I can’t believe how well that conversation went. It was beyond anything I could have ever imagined.”
Levi picked her up and cuddled her into his lap. “He sounded sincere about his regrets and wanting to change to be a better person.”
“He really did. This Elaine must be a miracle worker. I know it was him, but I think he spoke more words to me today than he did in all the years after my mom died.”
“I think you might be that miracle worker. It sounds like your words that day meant a lot to him.”
And that was a happy thought. She was so glad she could tell Marcus to take her father’s name off the suspect list.
Levi didn’t want to upset Isla. She was so happy about the conversation with her father. And he agreed it was highly unlikely that her father was behind the attacks. Unless the man had major acting skills, he’d been genuinely relieved and thrilled to hear from Isla.
But red flags had been waving throughout the conversation. Cousin Glen, the slime ball and sycophant, was unaccounted for after being sent to search for Isla.
What if the man had his own agenda in his search for his cousin? After this many years, Glen would likely assume he was Reginald Duggan’s heir. Especially when Duggan had cut Isla out of the will all those years before. Did he think finding Isla meant losing his free ticket?
Money made people do things way outside their character. And if Glen’s character was weak to begin with, it wasn’t a big stretch to see him trying to hurt Isla to ensure he was the primary heir.
Isla’s phone buzzed, and from her expression, he knew her happy bubble had started to leak. She typed and then looked up at him. “Marcus is on his way. He’s coming to take our statements.”
Levi nodded. He’d hoped they’d have a chance to nap or at least relax, but he understood his friend’s desire to get the investigation moving. Hopefully, he’d found something to help them.
He wanted to tell Isla about his gut feeling regarding her cousin, but the police cruiser pulled up to the door and had Hopper barking his greeting to his visitor.
Isla let Marcus in and locked the door behind him. Marcus nodded his agreement with her actions, then looked her over. “How are you feeling? Both of you?”