Page 61 of No Bed Of Roses
Levi kept his gun out and his senses wide open. They had one asshole, but there was another one out there. Last they’d heard, he’d been in Texas, but the Army had taught Levi to trust nothing but the most recent intel and to suspect even that.
Marcus and his team joined them as they crossed the field. When Pringle saw the deputy in his uniform, his knees buckled, and he dropped to the ground. “It’s not my fault. You can’t arrest me when it’s all Glen’s fault. He told me to do it. I can’t go to jail. Isla can tell you it’s all because of Glen.”
Marcus didn’t look in Isla’s direction. Instead, he stared down at the whining man on the ground.
It took less than a second of silence before Pringle started babbling. “I’ll tell you everything. Glen came to find me. He talked me into doing things so he would have an alibi. I’m a scientist. I didn’t know it was illegal.”
Marcus continued to stare him down. Pringle’s eyes moved to find Isla. “Tell him, Isla. Tell him I’m not a criminal. I’m a scientist. I’ve got important work to do.”
Isla raised her eyebrows. “Like stealing my research and trying to take credit for it?”
Pringle’s eyes widened as if he was shocked. “You’ve got to help me, Isla. You know me.”
Levi was proud of how she didn’t back down, how she kept her voice steady and her eyes on him. “I know you’re not as smart as you think you are. I know you’d rather steal someone else’s work than do your own. And I know you’re weak enough to agree to kill me.”
“I didn’t try to kill you. I just tried to scare you.”
“You sabotaged my car.”
“It was all Glen’s idea. You were supposed to get scared and stop trying to supplant Glen in the will.”
Reg’s body jerked at that confirmation of what had been happening.
Isla rolled her eyes. “If you were the scientist you claim to be, you might have checked out some facts. Nothing Glen told you is correct.”
Pringle’s eyes widened as if that thought had never occurred to him. Levi exchanged a glance with Marcus. They had enough information from the idiot for now. A full videotaped confession in front of them was a hell of a good start.
Levi holstered his gun and took Isla’s hand. When she looked up, he squeezed her fingers. “Do you want to check on the fields with me?”
She nodded and turned away from Pringle. Levi couldn’t have cared less about the fields at the moment, but he wanted to get Isla away from the overpowering emotion she had to be feeling. He hoped a few minutes away from Pringle and even well-intentioned friends would help.
They didn’t talk as they walked across the fields toward her property. They were about halfway when they heard Hopper barking behind them. The lab bounded across the field, tongue lolling as if he hadn’t seen them in days instead of only an hour or two.
There was nothing quite like a dog to lift the spirit. Isla laughed and rubbed down the lab when he arrived. If Levi had to bet, he would assume that Tessa had let the dog loose. The analyst had been coordinating the teams from the farmhouse, and he’d seen signs that the quiet woman was very intuitive. She’d probably realized Isla could use some of Hopper’s joy.
Levi checked behind them and saw that the group had disappeared either inside the farmhouse or around the front to where the cars were parked. “How are you?”
She patted the dog again and then moved into Levi’s arms. He wrapped them around her and held on.
After a few moments, she stepped back. “I think I’m okay. I’m thrilled he’s in custody, and that he didn’t hurt anyone. But it’s weird. I’d built it up so much in my head, and it wasn’t anything like I imagined.”
Levi chuckled. “Same.”
She grinned. “Who wears earbuds when they’re on the run from the police?”
“He proved himself a dumbass today.”
“I never knew him that well, but he was a respected scientist who had the reputation of a charmer. All he did today was whine and complain and blame others. There wasn’t a glimpse of the man I knew.”
Levi nodded. “He was probably out of his element the moment Glen talked him into a partnership. Then, nothing went as planned for him until he was on the run from the police and sleeping in the woods. I bet part of him is relieved to be caught.”
“Why would he think he could blame his actions on Glen? Even if Glen paid him or promised him something, he’s the one who sabotaged the car.”
“I think he’s in for a few nasty realizations over the next few days, never mind the years he’s going to spend in jail.”
Isla shook her head, and her eyes turned serious. “Thank you again.”
He ran his fingers over her cheek and then into her hair. “No need to thank me. We’re in this together.” Forever. He would do anything it took to keep her safe. To keep her at his side and ensure she was happy. Forever.