Page 3 of Ryder
I make my way through the house, pushing through the crowd of people and heading out to the back garden. It’s quieter out here, with just a few people chatting near the patio. I sit down on the small wall and take a sip of beer.
Griffin comes bounding out of the house and glances around, “Anyone seen Ryder?” he shouts out, and a guy nearby points down to the bottom of the garden. I watch Griffin head in that direction, and sure enough, I make out a shadowy figure sitting under the large tree. Griffin stays to chat with the shadow for a few minutes, and then heads back towards the house, he catches sight of me and smirks, “You should go sit with Ryder, he’s up tight like you.”
I stand abruptly, “I am not up tight, you don’t even know me.”
Griffin approaches me with his cocky smile firmly in place. “Prove it.” He raises his pierced eyebrow, “Do something crazy and totally not like you, go and kiss Ryder.”
I groan out loud, shaking my head at his childish suggestion. “What are you, twelve?”
He grins and continues back towards the house. “See, you’re uptight, Siren. You can’t even stand the thought of letting yourself loose. You might actually like it.” I scowl as he disappears inside. I don’t just kiss random strangers, that doesn’t make me uptight, it makes me sensible.
I glance back at the shadow under the tree and decide I may as well head down there and see if this Ryder guy is uptight, he’s probably just as nice as me, and it’s actually just Griffin being a complete dick. I make out his large frame as I get closer, his shoulders are wide and muscly, as is his chest. The tight white T-shirt he’s wearing clings to each toned pec and I have to force my eyes to move up to his face. His arms are hung over his knees which are raised, and he holds a beer bottle loosely in his large hand. He fixes me with his electric blue eyes and I almost sigh out loud, he’s totally gorgeous. Even hotter than Griffin.
“I’m Neve,” I blurt out. His expression remains the same, his eyes pinned to my own. “I live next door to Griffin,” I add, shifting uncomfortably under his intense stare. I wait for a few seconds, but again, he doesn’t speak. “And I realised tonight that he’s a complete arse. He called me up tight,” I say, lowering to the ground to sit beside him and ignoring the fact he’s made no indication he wants to talk to me. “I’m not uptight, I just find him over the top, like a bouncy puppy dog that doesn’t stop,” I continue, now trying desperately to fill the awkward silence with pointless chatter. “My ex called me uptight, so Griffin saying it kind of pissed me off. Then he said you were uptight so I thought I’d come and say hi, maybe we could rename this the uptight tree?” I say, with a small laugh. “The last thing I wanted tonight was to come to a party. Does that make me uptight? I’d rather sit in and wait for my ex to call so that I can hear my daughters voice, than hang out with a gang of criminals getting drunk. My friend dragged me here because she’s been single for at least a month, that’s way too long in Mya’s eyes. I’d rather stay single for the rest of my life, it’s easier like that.” I realise I’m rambling on, my words pouring from my mouth one after the other with hardly a breath in between, but the guy still doesn’t chip in or speak. And now I’m too intrigued to just get up and walk off. I need to know what his voice sounds like, half hoping it’s high pitched and squeaky, somewhat like Pee Wee Herman’s, at least then he wouldn’t be so perfect. Because right now, sitting there with a brooding silence around him, he’s coming across as dangerous and hot. “Anyway, sorry to have bothered you. I don’t usually talk to strangers, I’ve only had two drinks and I’m talking complete bollocks.” I stand, brushing the back of my shorts. His eyes follow the action, but he remains silent, and so I head back to the house feeling disappointed he didn’t engage with me. My mind is already trying to make me believe he’s some brooding, perfect hero, that’ll sweep me off my feet. I really need to stop reading those romance novels.
I make my way upstairs. Griffin’s house is the same layout as my own, so I find the bathroom with no problem and I’m relieved to find it empty. Once I’m finished, I step out on to the landing, debating whether to just leave and text Mya explaining. I notice the lights are now off, which is bizarre, because I’d definitely turned them on when I came upstairs minutes ago. I feel my way along the landing, and yelp when my hand presses against a man’s hard chest. “Sorry,” I squeak out. Before I can pass, a large hand wraps around my wrist and spins me around so that I’m facing the wall. An arm goes around my waist and lifts me effortlessly, holding me against his body tightly. Another hand presses against my mouth. He carries me forward and I hear a door open. I’m lowered to the ground, but the hand remains over my mouth. Strangely, I don’t feel scared, in fact, I actually feel turned on. But before I can examine my thoughts on that, I feel his hot breath on my neck and he murmurs, “You come across as uptight, but you aren’t. You have the same needs as every woman, you just don’t know how to ask for it. If you want to fuck me, you have to ask me straight.” The low voice rumbles in my ear. Instead of fear or outrage swallowing me, I feel a shiver of pleasure. “Your body gave me all the right signals. The lip chewing, the hair fiddling, the legs pressing together to ease the throbbing.”
I inhale sharply. “I didn’t mean…” I trail off when he presses his lips against my neck and runs little kisses against the sensitive skin there. I press my hands to the wall and close my eyes, enjoying the way his hard body feels against my back.
“Don’t insult me by saying I imagined it,” he growls, nipping my skin and causing sparks to ignite right down to my toes. His hands run down my arms and then trail under my vest, gently stroking my stomach. When I don’t stop him, he moves higher, cupping my breasts and gently tugging my nipples.“Enough talking,” he whispers, spinning me to face him.
He lifts my shirt over my head and drops it to the ground, then expertly unclips my bra. His mouth finds my nipple and he sucks it into his warm mouth. I cry out, grabbing onto his shoulders and throwing my head back in pleasure, it’s been too long since a man’s touched me like this and it feels amazing. His hand slips into the waist band of my shorts. He groans when he touches my knickers, “You’re wet,” he growls, before slipping a finger beneath the material, and running it along my opening.
“If you want me to stop you need to tell me now, because if you don’t, I’m fucking you quick and hard.” Something in his words sends sparks shooting to the spot he’s now stroking. I remain silent, too lost in pleasure to speak. “Don’t say I didn’t warn yah,” he mutters, close to my ear. He lifts me up and I wrap my legs around his waist, shamelessly rubbing myself against him. He fiddles around between us, loosening his belt and opening the button on his jeans. I hear him rip a condom wrapper open and a minute later, he moves my shorts to one side and presses the head of his erection to my opening. I’ve never had a one-night stand, it usually takes me a few dates before I’d ever consider getting intimate, but something about this man sends me wild, and all I can think about his how great I feel with his hands hungrily touching me and his mouth tasting my skin. He eases himself in slow, an inch at a time, giving me chance to adjust to his size. Once he’s as far as I can take him, he stills, resting his head against my shoulder and panting like he’s in pain. “Fuck, you feel good,” he groans. I wiggle impatiently and he hisses. “Unless you want this to be over with in a second, you gotta let me lead,” he warns, kissing my neck. When he finally begins to move, it’s like pleasure I’ve never felt. I’m full, stretched in ways that Finn never achieved, and the faster Ryder moves, the more that warm feeling builds up in the pit of my stomach. I grip his shoulders so tight; I feel my fingernails digging into his flesh. He places his hand between our sweaty bodies and begins to rub circles over my swollen clit. I shiver against him, and then the orgasm rips through me, sending me spiralling. White spots fill my eyes and a scream escapes me as I shuddered uncontrollably. Ryder sucks the skin on my collar bone, his breaths becoming uneven and laboured. “I wanna taste you so fucking bad,” he pants. Then he stills, growling as he releases into the condom. He slowly moves back and forth, as his orgasm subsides. Then, before I can move, he lowers to his knees, gripping one of my thighs, and pushing my legs apart. I’m so entranced watching this strong man kneel before me, that when he swipes his tongue along my opening, I cry out in surprise, sliding my fingers into his hair. He growls again, pushing his mouth against me and torturing me in the most delicious way, until I come apart again.
An awkward silence follows our intimate moment, as Ryder disposes of the condom into a tissue while I dress quickly. I’m not sure on the rules for one-night stands, or what the etiquette is afterwards, but when I catch a glimpse of Ryders face in the moonlight streaming through a small window, it tells me I need to say my goodbyes and get the hell out of there. I’ve heard horror stories of men giving women the wrong phone number just to get away, I don’t want that awkwardness.
I run my fingers through my hair before reaching for the door handle. I still when his hand covers mine and he presses against my back. A spark of hope ignites in the pit of my stomach, maybe I’ve read him wrong, maybe he wants to see me again. “Let me go first in case any of the ol’ ladies are out there.”
I have no idea who he means when he says ol’ ladies, but I’m guessing it’s some kind of girlfriend. I instantly feel terrible. And I can’t deny I’m slightly disappointed, they weren’t the words I wanted to hear. I move to one side, letting him pass me. He turns back, giving me an awkward smile, “Give it a minute before you follow, the club girls might be out there,” he adds, before leaving.
I feel humiliated, if that’s how one-night stands work, then I’m going to leave it to experts like Mya, because yes, I’d felt a moment of pleasure, well maybe more than a moment; but it wasn’t worth the feeling of being used straight afterwards. He couldn’t even look me in the eye before he left. And the fact he wants me to hide out in here while he makes his escape, feels even worse, like he’s embarrassed to be seen with me.
Chapter Three
I wait two minutes before heading back down the stairs. I find Mya in the hall chatting to another guy. She looks up at me and smiles, “Where have you been, I was looking for you,” she asks.
“I got side tracked, everything okay?”
Mya eyes me suspiciously but decides not to push. “I got a call from Finn, he’s angry because you didn’t answer your phone,” she explains. Panic fills me and I soon forget my humiliation. Finn’s the kind of man to jump in his car and come to find me and I can’t risk that, when he’s got Harlee in his care. I didn’t bring my mobile with me because I was caught off guard with this party that I didn’t even want to come to. Mya reads my mind and holds out her mobile for me to use. I smile gratefully and rush out to the back garden to make the call. I move to the corner away from anyone else and dial Finn’s number. I know it off by heart because of the need for me to check in constantly when we were still together. Not that it’s really changed too much, he still expects the same and for a quiet life, I do it.
Finn answers within the first two rings, he doesn’t speak, just connects the call and waits for me to explain myself. It’s all part of his mind games.
“Finn, is everything okay? Is Harlee okay?” I ask, unable to hide the worry from my voice.
“Where are you, Neve?” he grates out.
“I’m having drinks with Mya, I told you that earlier.”
“I spoke to Mya, she didn’t know where the hell you were,” he yells. I flinch at the volume of his voice.
“Look I’m not going to argue with you, Finn. Put Harlee on so I can talk to her.”
“Don’t dictate your demands to me, Harlee went to bed upset because her mummy wasn’t around to talk to her. Were you with another man?” I check my watch, it’s only seven in the evening, Harlee wouldn’t be asleep yet, bedtime’s usually half past seven and then she demands at least three stories before she’ll snuggle down to sleep.
“You’re only spiting Harlee by not letting me talk to her. No wonder she didn’t want to come to you. Did you manage to spend time with her today?” I ask, ignoring his question. Finn laughs. He’s trying to throw me off the subject, meaning he didn’t spend time with her at all. “Enjoy the rest of your evening, I’ll bring Harlee back at some point tomorrow.”